#6 Are you insane?

1769 Words
I let out a deep breath as I saw Mia walking by. Any other girl would have walked to me. They would have tried to flirt with me or tell me how he should give it another thought about marriage. I know I was marrying her sister, but that did not stop Samantha or Keira. And, more than anyone else, Mia had more reasons to oppose it. But when she was ignoring me and trying to show her fake acceptance, it irked me. I wanted to know why she was so indifferent. But stopping her was out of the question for the second time in a row.  As I saw Mia leave, my heart pounded inside my chest. I wanted to stop her, bombard her with questions. Argh! Why did I even think about kissing her again! It broke a gate that I had built with care and time. After all, she was my first kiss! I exhaled a deep breath to let go of my qualms. It was better when Mia wasn't around. I wished she would go back to her human city right away. But I have to endure her for a couple of days more. I promised myself to get hold of me and not let her affect her. It was her sudden appearance that has startled me and confused me. That's what I said to calm my nerves. But she had to turn. She had to turn for god knows why! And as our eyes met for the second time that night, I felt my heart churn and my wolf whimper to hold her in my arms. But I stood there like a stupid, my ego refraining me from making a move. And just like that, she turned back and walked inside the hall, leaving me frustrated. Mia's POV As soon as I entered the hall with Emma, I felt flustered. Why did I say all that to Ivan? There was no point when earlier this morning Emma had already made it clear that she is in love with the mighty Ivan Black. Why did I feel the need to beat around the bush? Was it because ever since I saw Ivan Black again, I have thought about nothing and no one but him? Ivan did that to me. Always! He would capture my mind every time he was around. We are nothing alike and unquestionably despise each other. But my teenage life is full of him. He is the first person I befriended among the popular wolf kids, the first one who hurt me, the first one with whom I fought, the first person I hated, and even my first kiss.  When our eyes met while Emma held onto his arm, my heart churned. I wanted to believe that it was because I cared for Emma's well-being. But deep down, I know, no matter how hard I am trying, I cannot let go of Ivan from my mind. I faked a smile, trying to remind myself that this man is my sister's to-be husband. I should not think about him so much. It is not like Moon Goddess will ever pair me to the temperamental Ivan Black when I loathed this setup. Hell, I wanted to be a human. I don't know how mate bond works. But I have seen it enough how wolves get captivated by that scent of their mate. I did not get any new essence from Ivan. So, he wasn't my mate. So, why was I feeling so cluttered and jelly around him? I quickly left them. I don't have to endure Ivan's presence or do something I should not. I could feel all the eyes on me, wanting to know more about me. But as if I was going to give them any updates. They had always feared me because they believed I am capable of anything and everything. They thought I was too scandalous. So when the top-notch wolves were attending this event, which was supposed to be between close relatives, they glared at me from far. I wondered if they forgot if I was still a wolf. I could hear their murmurs and whispers. But it only made me smile to realize they were still wary of me, even though I was out of sight for so long.  I sat in a corner from where I can avoid everyone, mostly Ivan Black. I was alone, and eavesdropping whispers about me were starting to bore me. So, I thought it was the right time to catch up with Nancy. It startled her to see my casual clothes. I was calling her from the rehearsal dinner. So it was expected. But she quickly understood my situation. She did not fuss about it. We caught up on things I was missing at the workplace and her date life. We decided to do a video call when her new boyfriend joined her. So, I left for some fresh air where I can be myself and boss around to see if this guy was good enough for my friend.  Talking with Nancy and her new boyfriend uplifted my mood. But only if I knew it was short-lived. I got a call from Emma, asking me to return. So, I had to head back. And alas! I had to find Ivan Black gazing at the night sky. I wondered what would have brought him here. It strangely reminded me of the night we shared a kiss. And just like that, I wanted to kiss him again. Perhaps, the attraction was because I saw him after a long time. He was a handsome man. But acting on it when he was going to be my sister's husband was way too much. So, I kept my head low, pushing back the strange flutter in my heart, and killing the butterflies doing havoc inside my stomach.  I was almost near the hall when I felt this sudden gush of wind brush my hair. I sniffled a hint of citrus essence. But it was a party full of citrus-rich food. I wasn't stupid to get confused. It didn't even last more than a second. But as soon as it was gone, it made me pine over it. For a split second, I wished for it to belong to Ivan. I could not help but turn. It was a crazy, weak moment. But as soon as our eyes met for the second time, those overwhelming emotions and nostalgia washed over me. It was too much. Oh! How I wanted to melt in his arms and kiss those full lips. But it was wrong. It was a sin to think like that about your sister's man when he wasn't even your mate. I gasped as I looked away from him. I wanted to run from there. But I had to compose myself. I let out a deep breath, heading inside the hall. I knew where Emma was. But it surprised me when I saw Jared, Samantha, and Keira with her. What on earth was Emma thinking me while inviting me here! I wanted to scoff or do something to show my displeasure. But after a long run in the woods, I have decided to support my sister in her happiness. I will do as she pleases for the coming few days. I am anyway going to return to my original life, far from this mess. "Come, Mia. I was showing our cousins both the ring we brought. They are siding with the one Gerard picked." Emma smiled.  "Do as you please, Emma. If they all agree that the heavy, massive, puffy thing is suitable for everyday use, I have nothing to say." I replied, wishing to vanish.  Why am I feeling jealous? Wait, am I jealous?  Brruuhh...  Why should I feel such an envious emotion? It's probably irritation. I must have caught a cold because I was wandering in the forest. I was explaining it to myself when my otherwise calm wolf had to poke. My wolf thought it was important to let me know about her abilities, like how she doesn't get affected by the cold. I rolled my eyes, shoving all the crazy things going in my head. "What made you pick this plain ring?" Samantha rolled her eyes. It was a platinum band. But the way she was speaking, anyone would get the feeling of artificial jewelry. "I prefer simple things and not to show off. Glad to meet you, COUSINS!" I intentionally spoke it a little rudely to remind them that I am here for Emma and not to hear their stupidity. "But, I still believe I must ask Iva for his choice. Let me send him the pictures." Emma sighed, taking photos and sending them to Ivan. "Let's wait for his response."  An intense silence engulfed the room as everyone stared at the phone. It bothered me more because I was interested too. Grr... Ivan black, there are many things why I left this life. But you would be my prime reason.  And the ding sound made me feel like my heart will fall from my mouth.  "It's Ivan." Emma declared. I could tell the atmosphere was intense. We were at war. And why exactly? I don't know! I had never thought that there would be a day I would be fighting for something that centers around Ivan.  Emma sighed. She gave a sly look. And then she jumped from her seat, running towards me, engulfing me in a tight hug.  "What is it?" Keira whispered. Their faces said they were not ready to hear the answer. But curiosity kills a cat. "The platinum band." Emma declared. I did not know, but I let out a sigh of relief, surprising everyone. Perhaps, I smiled a bit because my cheeks felt stretched. "You are happy that you won? I thought you didn't care." Emma asked, surprised.  "Are you insane?" I scoffed. When I saw their bewildered expressions, I knew I let slip my actual feelings momentarily. So, I quickly put up my mean, stony face, putting them at ease. "But you smiled and sighed! You look relieved." Jared pointed. "Because I beat you again!" I smirked. "Aren't you too proud and egotistical? It was just a coincidence. Probably, the photos Emma took weren't that great. We will show it to Ivan. I am certain once he sees them, he will pick the other one over that bland one." Samantha groaned. "Whatever!" I grunted, leaving the room in a frenzy.  But my heart was racing inside my chest. Ivan Black chose the ring I selected. Sigh!
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