#20 The Chemistry

2123 Words

Mia's POV "Is this what you and your new bride wanted? Is this why you fought for her and her sibling, who left you stranded a night before marriage? If this continues, I am no longer sure where this family is heading towards Ivan. I hope you can think from your brain and not let your needs drive you. There are plenty of women outside, more beautiful and more flaunting, willing to warm your bed." Isabella gloated, warning Ivan, while I rolled my eyes. The girl had some audacity to speak like that after doing her nasty deeds with Tristan and Emma. My blood boiled when Emma's face flashed through my eyes. No matter how hard I tried, I was not able to connect with her. I know it isn't long since I asked Oliver for help, or Ivan agreed to look after it, but I am yet to get any good news. And

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