Caught Up In the Madness

3228 Words

My body is oddly lethargic now but at least I can feel something other than the burning pain that was ready to engulf me. “Vivian,” I hear Damian’s voice cut through the fog that is my consciousness. He sounds like he’s in distress. I frown at the thought of him being so and immediately I think I’ve caused it.  In my absence, I’m nearly positive things have gotten worse here. I am thankful for Alignak, Ta’lab and Selen for making sure we stay on task with these split men. While I can imagine what they’re going through, minus their flaring Alpha in the realm, I’m sure they’re not handling it well. It’s not exactly wise that I’ve brought back Maximus, his Aaron and his Alpha, I think. I shake my head. No, it had to be done. There was no other way. It wouldn’t be wise to handle my next m

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