Back To Hell part 1

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Taker and Sarah was in living room , he asked Sarah to talk about her mother, and the way they was living together, my mum is someone very sweet, she always laughed and helped people around , she has her own business and every morning she wokes up early to make the breakfast, sometimes, she did my hair, we went to the cinema , she always takes good care of me , at the same time someone knocked on the door, Sarah stood up and went open the door, it was a man , i would like to be see Lord Asha , Let him in said Taker, the men cames in and stood next to him , I've been sent by Lord Agom ,to let you know that all the prince are waiting to is Land, Taker said go and tell him , I will be there , and the man left. Before Sarah closed the door ,he snaps his fingers and they appeared in front of a big house , Sarah just saw in front of her a big door, Taker said knock , and she did it . A man open the door, his skin was green and his eyes was black , welcome back Lord Asha said the man, my Lord is expecting you and he bow down in front of him ,they went in , on the walls Sarah saw human head as portraits, Taker was walking in front of her, she was looking around and was surprised to see many horrible creatures walking in the house ,they arrived in a hall and in front of them there was a red door , Taker went to the red door and opened it, they went in the room there was some creatures sitting around a table , she saw , a cow , a buffalo, a snake, a pig ,a donkey ,a sheep ,a goat, a horse ,a rabbit,a crocodile and deer all of them has red eye and human bodies , Taker went and sit on the table , The creatures with a cow head started to talk ,I'm happy to see you here my brothers, as you know father gives to each other a land and world to run , as his first our father said to me , he will give me the underworld district two to run , that's mean , you will work for me too. Taker has eleven brothers: Agom Lord of domination and vanity ,Satern Lord of war,Korn Lord of laziness ,Bex Lord of gluttony,Kam Lord of Lust,Early Lord of f*********n,Zer Lord of lies ,Sheam Lord of starvation ,Rem Lord of sickness ,Krill Lord of crime ,Tras Lord of madness and himself Asha was the lord of vengeance and illusion, why should I work for you said Asha ,serve only father and no one else, Satern smiled and said to Asha ,if you don't share the vision of Agom that mean you are against him , i won't serve you said Asha, Agom stood up very angry and say how can you think that i won't be the head after father? ,you think you can go against me , Asha stood too and say let see what father think and he disappeared with Sarah , how could he think that i will leave him be my master said Agom with anger. They was walking on a street ,it was hot and there was a bad smell on the way , and each side of the street there was houses but no one outside , what's that smell? she asked Taker , it's the smell of human soul burning, in every houses there are many bedroom of fire, they is already many bedroom with soul burning, they finally arrived in front of a big gate on fire , it opened itself and went in ,they walked on the bridge and on each side of the bridge there was a lake of fire , they went inside the kingdom they was nobody in the first hall, they get in the second hall and in the middle of the hall there was a throne and on this throne a man was sitting on it.
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