Back To Hell part 9

2520 Words
Asha snaps is fingers ,then they appeared in front of the house with the red door,the door opened , welcome my Lord, they went in , it's was a dark place, Plog turn to a human flame ,and there was millions of people some of them was on the ground ,men and women some of them has knife on their bleeding hearts, others was walking and had sword on their heads opened, others was coughing and blood came out of their mouths, Sarah asked them ,where are we ? , we are in the underworld district twelves, we are going to fight Lord Rem said Gör, they continued to walked, and arrived in the lake , Plog turn back to normal , welcome my Lord said the garden of lake ,they took the boat , Plog turn is finger to a flame ,everywhere on the lake there was bodies , every time the boat moved the bodies was moving to the side to leave the way , the boat stop to a city ,the went in the city ,there was many women and men walking with a sad look on their faces, they continued to walked it seem like they didn't notice their presence in the city ,they arrived in front of the mansion. the mansion was in the middle of the city ,they went in the garden of the mansion ,but before they continued their way all the men and women in the city came to attack them ,Asha make his way and went in the mansion , men and women on his way fell dead . Sarah became transparent and throw her fan, at the same time,she fought with her knife ,Plog take out his sword and fight , Gör did the same . Thousands of men came to attack Asha ,he just snaps his fingers and they exploded ,he went to the next room and find Rem sitting on his piano playing a song .welcome my younger brother he said ,you finally get here he said , his head has a horse appearance and the rest of his body was human ,He stopped to play and looks at Asha ,how a little boy like you could make his way until here ? ,you really think that i will leave you be my boss, and he laughed maybe they couldn't stop you ,but i will and if I should killed you ,i won't hesitate, he said and appeared in front of Asha and punch him on his face,he put his hand on Asha's neck, lifted him up and gave a head neck, at the same time put his sword on Asha chest ,Asha fell on his knees his head down, you didn't know i can kill a demon too my baby brother ,so much talent wasted,i guess you really think that you'll be on this throne and he laughed ,he went out of the room , went downstairs,he brought a bag ,Asha still in the same position he left him, Rem came in front of him ,and said your mother will be the next victim of your mistake, it's a shame that she will pay for giving birth to you ,when she will died , i will make a necklace with her soul, Asha skin turn dark ,he stood opened his red eyes then the sword just disappear from his chest, you won't have time to do it he said ,and move his hand ,Rem head fell on the ground and he cut his body into several pieces, Rem head continued to talk even you kill me , Agom and Satern are ready for the war against you, and he scream war all the underworlds heard his voice ,Asha cut his head too in several pieces,he went out and find Sarah ,Plog and Gör fighting millions men ,even the one who was on the lake came out ,to fight them in the city ,Asha went to help them ,he sword appeared on his hand and he fight ,he was moving very fast ,killed thousands of them in one minute, Sarah's fan killed thousands men also in one minute ,Plot make a flame on his sword when he moved it ,the sword killed thousands men in one moved, Gör move his sword ,and killed also thousands of them, they turn to ash ,he sucked the ash.They finally killed all of them. Asha looks at Sarah and said it's time for you to discover something, he snaps his fingers they all appeared back in the garden of the kingdom , Plog and Gör left them,you want to know the truth about your mother and where she is? he said , remember they can't see you , a transparent gate appeared, she went through the gate and find herself in front of sir Blanchar's mansion , she saw Pamela coming out of the mansion ,she call her pamela but she continues to walk and remember what Asha told her ,she followed her. she went to her house ,when she opened the door Sarah saw Edouar sitting on a chair with a baby on his arms , Pamela kissed him, Sarah was shocked,she went in the house and watched them , Pamela looks at her husband , and he said you should end the game with sir Robert ,make him more sick not only a headache, Pamela removed a plank from the floor ,and take outside a box ,she turn closed the door by moving her hand, she took out a doll , put needles on the doll and said , sir Robert in one minute you get fever until tomorrow ,then you will decide to sell all you slave ,but you will set free Edouar and his family then you will give him your little house that you built last year, she put back the box, someone scream her name outside ,she opened the door , it's was a woman in the door ,she took her breathe before to speak,miss Jane call you ,sir Robert is sick ,they ran back to the mansion Sarah followed them ,when Pamela arrived she closed the door behind her ,Sarah couldn't stop to run when through the door closes find herself in the mansion and followed Pamela who took the stairs and went up,they get in sir Robert room,they found him on his bed , Pamela touched his forehead,he has fever she said ,she took care of him all night, in the morning the fever was gone , a hour after he woke up sir Robert call his wife lady jane , Sarah was sitting in front of sir Robert bed ,he took her hand ,my dear I'm sick i think it's time for us to leave Africa and go back to France , we will sell all my brother's slaves and his mansion , but i can't do it alone I need help , Edouar will help he said ,his wife said but he can't read and write , you right my dear he said ,send a slave to call Sir Max, Sarah was watching them , Pamela when out the moment lady jane walked in the room,a hour later sir Max walked in the room ,they talked for hours ,the next day Edouar has to choose the most brave slaves to be sell,the other was sell to the new owner of the mansion, sir Robert set free Edouar and his family and give them his house in the woods. when everything was sell Sarah followed Edouar and his family to their new life has free slaves in the woods. Sarah saw how edouar and Pamela grow old ,and died , leaving her daughter to serve their god ,her daughter has a son call Philip, four hundred years Sarah saw how edouar and Pamela descendants serving the devil , doing magic and killing people ,four hundred years after the s*****y Matilda , Edouar and Pamela's descendants gave birth to a baby girl call Eleonora ,but her mother short her first name to Ella, Eleonora teach her daughter to be a witch, she was a great witch , Sarah saw how Ella killed her first victim and drink his blood to activate her power to the age of eighteen ,she fell on her knees scream ,then fell on the floor her skin became transparent then he heart stopped beating ,her mother and all the people in the room was waiting their eyes on her , her hair turned white, and her heart started to beat again her skin turned back to normal,but Sarah asked herself why her mother didn't have red eyes ?. the shadow man appeared , everyone in the room bow down in front of him my Lord they said ,the shadow man change in front of them and became a man . He sat on his throne, it's was him ,his look directly in Sarah eyes she knew that he saw her , continue the ritual he said . they brought two people, a lady took a knife and gave it to Ella ,make your sacrifice she said , she took the knife and cut those people their throat they fell on the ground . Sarah found herself ten years after , in front of her mother house she came out of her car ,she was pregnant,then she was took the day she was giving birth to her daughter. Sarah was with the doctor , nurses and her mother in the room and saw her mother gave birth to her but when she came out she wasn't breathing,the doctor said to Ella that the baby was dead ,her mother cried ,one of the nurse went call her grand mother,she came and asked the doctor to give them a moment with her daughter and her grand daughter. Ella was crying ,she took her baby make a circle with her blood on the floor and call him ,he appeared what can I do for you my child ? he asked her , please my Lord save my child she said ,he smiled then another man appeared ,Ella seems scared to see them side by side , Matilda was on her knees too ,this is my choice for you ,said the first man to the second one ,then he disappeared ,Ella said the second man I give life to your daughter,but i want you to know from that moment she's mine and one day i will take back what is mine,the man put his hand inside his chest and removed his heart ,the heart was beating on his hand , he opened the chest of the baby with his fingers and put his heart inside the baby chest and closed it.then the baby came back to life , Ella thanks the man , Sarah was shocked by what she saw , i want to see my mum she said ,she appeared in a hospital room and in front of her it was her mother on the bed she was on oxygen,she approached her , mum she said but her mother didn't answer, she put her hand on her forehead and said wake up ,then she opened her eyes ,mum she said again ,oh! my baby you are alive she took Sarah in her arms ,i was so afraid that you were dead she said ,I'm fine said Sarah ,what happened to your eyes and your hair ,she touched sarah hair , then opened wildly her eyes. I see she said ,you activate your power ,you know who you are , I'm so sorry , she cried i always dreamed to be the one to tell you all the story ,she look at her in her eye ,are you fine ? she asked her ,I'm ok mum, don't worry ,i will always come to see you she said ,they cried I'm so happy that you are alive i was so scare mum , i must go back i have a friend of mine who need my help to win a war. First you have to go back home she said at the same time the doctor came and was surprised to see Ella awake. One hour later Ella was home with her mother and daughter her grand mother was saw happy to see them alive,the next day Sarah said to her mother that she was going on back to hell and disappeared in front of her. Sarah came out of the gate and found Asha in front of it waiting for her ,i thought you will never came back after what you discover about you he said , i saw you she said you give me your heart to live , and i know my mother family serve your father , my mum is a witch ,he smiled. now i will explain why I gave you my heart he said , my brothers and me are all half human and half demon ,but to be a full demon we have to killed the human part inside us ,and that part it's our heart , my brothers , removed their hearts and distroyed their heart ,but for me it wasn't a easy decision to take , because of the love my mother gives me when I was human , so i went to see my father and explain to him ,that i wouldn't distroyed my heart ,i want to give it to a human ,one day he call me and it's was you there in front of me on the floor,when we removed our heart we became pure evil . From that day i never leave you alone ,i was always by your side days and nights watching you grow up , and it's amazing how you give back love to your mother because of the way you love her i don't regret the choice my father made. if you never leave me alone that's mean you were there during the accident she said , i saw everything he said , I destroyed the car that was going to hit you before it hit you,but your mother get scared and turned to the left the car hit the tree, but you ,when the car hit the tree you get scared then opened the gate between our two world ,that why you wake up here but not your mother, i took your mother to the hospital, she looks at him ,tell me she said if I have your human part in me , that mean I'm hundred percent human she said , no , Sarah he said in my chest my heart is human ,but in your chest it is a demon heart that make you a demon, sarah heart bit fast ,she put her arm toward him ,and he felt her heart beating ,this is love i feel in this moment she said, Asha remember is human life and smiled ,then she kissed him. Now i understand why the mirror shaw me you as my reflection, your father was there when my mother activate her power, she said and he saw me there ,she kissed him again.
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