
884 Words
Taker where is my mum? she said , don't worry you will meet your mum soon, he answered , he snaps is fingers and they appeared in front of a young boys ,he was sitting on the floor in the street, he couldn't see properly because of weed,Taker ask him can we help you? you can't move, he took his and and helps him to stand, who is this man ?, asked Sarah , he is our ticket to go inside his house.They walk with him and after a minutes they stop in front of a gate ,the young man ring the bell ,it's me ,he said and they open the gate, they walk again and finally get in the house , a woman cames to the gate , oh! my son where have you been ? , she takes him in her arms , and saw Taker and Sarah behind him, who are those two children? at the same time, a man came in the house , where is that looser? said , Sarah immediately recognized him, she looks at Taker ,who smile to her, the man looks at the young man in the eyes and said , you smoked your weeds again, I'm so ashamed to have a son like you , the man was talking loudly, who are those children?, they are my friends and they helped me to get here so they will stay for the night , said the young man , come with me his said to Taker and Sarah ,they followed him ,they take the stair, take the left corridor ,and walk a bit , the young man open a door , it was a big room, his room got three pieces a bedroom , a living room and a bathroom, they got in and they said to them you can sleep on the coach for the night , oh! i didn't introduced myself I'm shawn and you are ? I'm Taker and she my sister Sarah ,you father seemed disappointed about you, said Taker they sat , whatever ,i don't care what my father think about me , at twenty-five years old i can do what I want and he went to the bathroom , Sarah said to taker this man we saw him in the hotel rooms with lady georgia, but why he is old ? , you right Sarah this is Roger but we are twenty years after georgia's deaf ,he said . At seven pm they went down stairs to eat , everyone was there , Roger looks at shawn , why did you keep those children here maybe their parents are looking for them he said to shawn , don't worry dad they only spend the night and tomorrow they will be gone. In his house Roger has his own place to work at home , when he get inside his office ,he find Taker sitting behind his desk and sarah stand next to him, what are you doing here he said , and taker laughed , you really think I'm a boy , let me remind you who i am, and he looks in Roger eyes , and he get really scared ,my Lord said Roger what brings you in my house , your house said Taker he was really mad at him and his eye became more red , i give you everything that you have , you were supposed to give me your descendants , but you didn't bring me his first hair of your son and i been kind with you and let you see him grow but tell me Roger what's a blessing to have a child who smoked weed or a child who make you pride and he laughed, he looks at him ,then he appeared in front of me , I'm here to take back what's mine , and he put his hand on his chest, took out his heart and eat it. Roger fell on the floor , let's go he said to Sarah. Shawn wake up, shawn open his eyes and sat on his bed , he saw taker and Sarah in the room Taker was sitting on the coach and Sarah stand next to him, i won't talk to much he said , everything that you see around you, all the money your father has,all is mine .i give it to him but he was supposed to give you to me .If you want to continue to live the life that you are living now , you have to serve me , otherwise you will loose everything .Shawn stand up from his bed and went in front of him where should I sign?, a contract appeared on the table ,can I have a pen ? Taker said ,we don't need a pen , Taker has a knife in his hand ,he took shawn hand and hurt it, the blood fell on the contract and it disappeared ,well done son he said to him and they disappeared.they appeared outside of the gate , now what will happen to him Sarah asked ,well he is now a business man , stop worry for nothing,he said and he start to walk , where are we going? , someone is waiting for us to help him.
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