Chapter 2

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Chapter 2Outside his store, Nyles boarded the clockwork carriage that his doorman flagged down. As it clicked along the cobble-stoned streets, he increasingly felt enclosed by their narrowness, the many shops and cafés, and bustling pedestrians. The driver bellowed at them as they dashed to and fro in front of the carriage. Slowly, the vehicle began to travel along wider and less-populated roads, these lined with trees, and Nyles sighed his relief as he spotted his home. After giving the driver a generous tip, Nyles entered the house, then locked the door behind him, leaning against its solid presence for a minute. The enticing aroma of food wafted along the hallway from the kitchen. It was his preference not to have a live-in housekeeper. He liked—no, needed—his privacy. Unless Nyles rang to advise he was working late, the last thing his housekeeper did was leave something cooking in the oven; the accompanying vegetables would be already cooked and kept warm in a separate compartment on the range, and there was always a dessert. Mrs. Hardacre was an absolute treasure. Hurrying into his small study, Nyles was pleased to feel its warmth. Investing in the heating system fuelled by my boiler was one of my wiser moves. After running upstairs, Nyles stripped and ran a bath. Pausing, he looked down at his body. Thanks to his insistence upon, and enjoyment of, taking regular promenades around the local park, he retained a firm physique. His thoughts returning to Jewel. Nyles trailed a finger across his chest, through the generous pelt of golden fur, and circled a pink n****e that tightened at the tantalising sensation. Pursing his lips, he dropped his arms to his sides. I’m preening like a debutante at her coming out ball and I don’t even know if Kasim will even give his consideration to my request. He may laugh at me. After sprinkling some salts into the bathwater, Nyles eased into the tub with a deep sigh. Lying back, he reminisced regarding the favour Kasim had asked of him—to correspond with Jewel, to improve his grasp of English. It had been on his third visit that Nyles had been introduced to Jewel, the nickname given to the beautiful concubine. Up to now, during every visit, Nyles had seen only male concubines. But he was well aware that Kasim had married, and considered Haidar, his son, a friend. But although Kasim had a few more wives, he’d had only one child. He’d heard that Kasim’s harem was purely for pleasure, and consisted only of male concubines, most of whom were mature men. But Kasim himself had never made such an affirmation. But there was one man in particular, who looked to be of a similar age to the king, who seemed to have the king’s particular favour. That had been almost two years ago, and Nyles had been stunned when introduced to Jewel, who was the only young man of Kasim’s harem. From what Nyles gathered, Jewel wasn’t a lover. Instead, he sang beautifully, expertly played instruments, and danced divinely if, at least to Nyles’s eyes, very erotically. Soon after their first meeting, Kasim had asked of Nyles the favour that Jewel be permitted to write to him. Supposedly to improve his English, although Nyles really couldn’t fault in too many ways the way Jewel wrote or the English he used. The letters had started off very formally, but as time had passed, and Nyles had accepted further invitations to visit, the missives warmed, became more personal, and more affectionate. Soaping himself, Nyles scrubbed his body with his washcloth. I fell in love with the author of those letters, not the courtesan. The intelligent man with a sharp wit and a way of making his writing seem so vivid and alive. If truth be told, Nyles was more than half in love by the time of their second face-to-face meeting. But his heart had truly been captured by the letters. This was a man Nyles knew he could spend the rest of his life with. Looks don’t last forever. But a good heart, and kind soul, they are enduring. Finishing his bath, Nyles briskly towelled himself. If I’m honest, my last two letters were skirting the edge of what might be considered love letters. But so far, the times Nyles and Jewel had spent without Kasim in attendance, there had been an ever-present man-mountain that Nyles assumed was the harem’s guard. Humming as he donned pyjamas and a dressing gown, Nyles trotted down to the kitchen, where he served his meal, the room kept comfortably warm by his large range. Nyles ate only in the dining room if he was entertaining, but saw no need to carry food from one room to the other just to consume it. Once he’d finished, Nyles ambled into his study. There were a few letters for him to pen. None involved his will or the passing of his company into the grasping fingers of greedy relatives. And an extra one to Jewel, to let him know how much I look forward to seeing him. It should get there just a day or so ahead of me. Then I need to pack.
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