Chapter 14 I Didn't Watch at All

1354 Words

At this time, my hand inadvertently touched her body. Immediately, a strange feeling made both of us tremble. I had a wonderful feeling like an electric current spreading from my fingertips to my whole body. My breathing suddenly became faster and faster. It felt good. I truly wanted to tear off her bath towel and play with her body. But, I didn't do it. Serena threw herself into my arms. She moaned and panted. Her pretty face flushed red. She bit her lower lip lightly. Her cherry lips slightly parted. She looked shy and also pleased. After looking at me affectionately with her enchanting eyes, she closed her eyes shyly and slightly raised her head. I knew she was waiting for my kiss, so I was a little flustered. Her fair and tender arms held my shoulders. She slightly tilted back h

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