Chapter 3

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"I made you some tea." Rex calls from the other side of the door, and I stand, opening it up for him. He had a little tray with a cup of tea, some buttered biscuits, grapes, and a chocolate bar. "What an unusual dinner," I couldn't help but smile as I take it from him. "Thanks Rex." He nods. "Get some rest, Ms. Devila. Goodnight." I shut the door and place the tray on my nightstand, before plopping onto my bed. Surprisingly, when I got home, I didn't curl into my bed and cry. The first thing I did was dig for the number and punch it into my phone. But I couldn't press call. I wanted to call, and selfishly rant about my parents who disowned me a few years back, when I left with Dain. I wanted to say how much . . . I missed them, and how I couldn't believe that after 8 years my father couldn't get over it. But I couldn't do that. Just call. I stare at the phone in my hands, and shut my eyes, as ringing showed up on the screen. I brought it up to my ears, and my heart stops as I hear the click sound. But it wasn't Trevor at the other end of the phone. "Ciao?" The voice was soft and gentle, a little girly too. I didn't know what to say, my heart echoing in my chest. (Hello?) "Ciao?" The voice repeats, still patient and waiting for me to speak up but I couldn't, I mean what could I possibly say to her, whoever she was? I couldn't even speak Italian. I hear a door open and shut. "Chi è?" Trevor spoke just as gently to her, and I couldn't help as my hand shook, my eyes wide as the phone shuffles a bit, and suddenly, I hear him speak. (Who is it?) "Ocean." I gasp, and end the call, throwing the phone across the room. A sudden coldness comes over me, as I stare at it in confusion. He knew it was me. I slowly lift my hand towards my throat, and rub tenderly as I felt a dull ache. I wanted to cry. Maybe it was hearing his voice, maybe it was hearing her voice, whatever it was, it was strong and overwhelming. Emma made it sound like Trevor was going through severe depression, he sounded a lot more than fine over the phone. Now I just feel pathetic and alone. Did he really move on? I would never blame him if he did though, I did this, I pushed him away, and now . . . there was really nothing that I could do about it. # "How are you feeling?" "I'm fine, Rex. Stop worrying about me." "Alright well, don't forget we have a flight this evening." "Where are we going again?" "We're going to Canada, you have the convention." I turn to him, furrowing my eyebrows. He gives me a flat look. "The Mental Health Counsellors convention, you have to speak there." "Oh . . . speak about what?" "Well, I'm not a therapist, am I? I just drive one around." I roll my eyes at Rex, as we continue to walk to my office. I greet all of my employees and once at the door he hands me the lunch that he prepared. "Thanks boo." He pats my head and leaves. Chuckling, I enter my office and nearly jump out of my skin as Emma sat at the desk. "Who the hell let you in?" "Security." "And why would they do that?" "I can be persuasive, Ocean." I narrow my eyes at her. "Get off my desk." She does as I say and I walk around, placing the package on it. "You called, didn't you?" "Thanks for making me humiliate myself." "I take it you met Carina." "Why didn't you tell me?" I sigh. " Why let me think that Trevor was all devastated and depressed?" "Because then you'd never call! I know that it sounds like he's okay, and that he's moved on, but I promise you, he hasn't. She's like a rebound." "Yeah? How long have they been together?" "About five months." "Doesn't sound like a rebound to me." I sit down, starting up my computer and she sighs. "Ocean, he needs you." "Emma, stop speaking on his behalf. Trevor seemed completely fine, and obviously he has someone to take care of him." Emma lets out a frustrated grunt, rubbing her face. "If that was the case, then I wouldn't be here!" I shrug my shoulders, opening up sss. "Look, my mom's the one who set them up, it's not like Trevor found her himself, I'm not even sure that he has the slightest feelings for her despite the one in his pants." "That's comforting." I murmur sarcastically and she stands. "Come to Italy." "No. f*****g. way." I say, leaning back in my chair, with an eyebrow raised. "I have embarrassed myself enough thus far, don't you think? There's no way I'm travelling at the way to Italy, to see a man who's moved on. It's not happening." "You're gonna see him sooner or later Ocean." My new assistant, Wendy, knocks and I motion her in. "Ms. Devila, your 9 o'clock appointment is here." "That's your queue Emma." She stares at me before scoffing and grabbing her coat. She leaves without another word and I shift uncomfortably in my chair. Now that I knew that Trevor was all good, I have no choice but to move on, and make myself all good as well. # "Hurry up." Rex calls as we ran towards the jet and I narrow my eyes at him. "I am trying! Do you think it's easy to run in heels?" "Why in the world would you put heels to travel? The convention isn't till tomorrow." "Rex, you clearly don't understand the power of heels." He rolls his eyes at me, but nevertheless helps me up the flight of stairs. We were greeted by the flight attendant, and sat across from each other as she took care of our luggage. "I can't believe you packed my bags, did you . . . did you see my underwear." "Yes. It was nothing impressive Ms. Devila, my wife in the 90s wore less . . . elderly garments than you." "I hate you." I snap and he chuckles. There wasn't much issue with Rex packing my bags. This was a man who would carry me from the club after a rough day of therapy, covered in my own vomit. Who would listen to me cry whenever I thought of my past and had a mental breakdown. This was a man who would let me curl up into him as we watched TV and ate ice-cream, a man who began to set me straight when the club visits became to frequent. He was more than a best-friend at this point, he was secretly my father figure but I'm sure he knew that. A year later and he and I were inseparable. "So, as your bestfriend, I demand to know about your parents." I could help but laugh at the way he spoke. "Have you ever had a bestfriend before Rex." "No. But I'm happy to have one now." "Me too." I smile and he leans back, waiting. "Uh, well you know about Dain," Rex nods. "Well, from day one my parent's disapproved of him, but I was 18 and stupid. You know that when you're on the verge of independence, you feel like there's nothing that can stop you from doing whatever you want to do, well that's exactly what happened. I fell into a trap. Dain proposed that I move in with him, and I was happy to do so. Although I did manage to move out and into an apartment a few months later by some miracle. I felt as if my parents were too controlling, and moving out would completely severe that control. Sadly, the control was not all that is severed." "They disowned you." I nod. "Soon after, Dain began abusing me. And it didn't start off slow, as in emotional abuse and then physical. It was full on punches to the head, and kicks to the stomach. Anyway, after they disowned me, we pretty much never spoke again. That night was the first time I've spoken to them in eight years." Rex takes my hand in his gently, and gives me a sad smile. "It's okay." I nod. "Do you call your children, Rex?" I ask quietly and he looks down. "They're too busy." He murmurs and I shake my head. "You should call them." I tell him. "Sometimes, all we're waiting for, all we need, is that one call."
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