
Caged By The Alpha


"Very well," he smirked and then dropped his glass before staring at me and his gaze finally lowered to my chest until his eyes raked my whole body and I could see his Adam apple bobbed up and down.

I shivered under his gaze and I gulped nervously and fidgeted my fingers as different emotions washed over me. I was feeling embarrassed and humiliated and then— lust, I can't even describe this weird feeling.

"Strip!" He ordered in a rich baritone voice and I shivered slightly, of course this was not the first time hearing this order, but this was the first time I was stripping before a man. I gulped nervously and I fiddled with my dress, he probably noticed my hesitation and I could see a mischievous smirk on his lips.

"You cannot strip?" I knew it wasn't a question he was telling me.

"Well then, I will do it myself," with that he took long strides towards me and I instinctively took steps back until I had backed the wall, now my hands were pinned above me, I had been pinned against a tree earlier but I felt nothing compared to this, he was dangerously close and I could feel his breathing on my cheeks, at that moment I held my breath.

"Breathe!" He said and I raised my brows confused.

Hazel Madison is an eighteen year old who lives in the full moon pack. She was told by others that she was an orphan and she was found on the border of the full moon pack and was taken in.

Being maltreated by Luna and her pack mates, Hazel could only dream of finding her mate to get her off her miseries, even though she could only dream of one.

On her sixteenth birthday, she was supposed to meet her wolf, but she didn't get one, she was the pathetic wolfless wolf of the pack.

Logan Russell, a mysterious Alpha who rules the red moon pack, a pack where mates are strictly forbidden and girls are taken to the harem and later become breeders to the high ranking wolves. What happens when he visits the full moon pack for an alliance. Why does he feel so attracted to a girl and the urge to make her his at all costs.

And most importantly, what happens when Hazel goes to the red moon pack. Will she be able to survive in such a pack and be ruled by a dangerous Alpha?

Her dream crushes when she was chosen as a slave to the most powerful Alpha in history. She was given to Alpha Logan, something she had never wanted, never expected.

Find out what happens!!!

You can only know if you read.

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1. Alliance
Hazel POV "Wake up! Wake up, you lazy head!" "Splash!" I felt ice water being dumped on me. I shrieked loudly as I instantly sat up to find the culprit, Teresa, the Alpha's daughter, holding a bucket with a scowl on her face. "Why are you still sleeping at this time of the day when the other Omegas are already up and working?" she demanded. I could only shiver and stare at her while she fumed. "If I don't get my breakfast in ten minutes, you will regret waking up this morning," she threatened and left. I heaved a sigh of relief as soon as she left. I stared at her handiwork, she had left me half drenched on my bed and my head was still reeling from the harsh hits of the ice. I stood up in order to change out of my soaked clothes before I caught a cold. I didn't have a high body temperature like the other wolves and she knew it. I grimaced as I shuffled through my bag looking for a decent and warm piece of clothes to put on. Teresa is a bully who enjoys torturing those beneath her status and that was everybody who has no rank in the pack or was a free member which leaves us the omegas at her mercy but she was especially out for me for reasons best known to her. Though I had heard the other omegas whisper she was jealous of me and I still couldn't make sense of it, I mean I am a wolfless omega and she was the Alpha’s daughter. But that wasn't going to make me submit to her. Never! I flashed a quick look around the room after getting dressed; it was small as it used to be a storeroom but I liked it. I hurried to the kitchen to find breakfast already being dished. There was Seraphina, the head Omega, scowling at me. I was certain that if looks could kill, I would be a goner. "Pathetic dimwit, why were you up so late? If this mistake repeats itself, I will report you to the Luna." She hollered with her brows furrowed. Anyone would think there was to be a feeling of belonging and equality among the omegas. But it is all fiction. Infact, amongst the omegas, there were high ranking omegas, those who get favors from the higher ups just because they are their plaything. There's another group of omegas who are there minions, together they prey on others like me. "I'm sorry," I pleaded, knowing that if she reported me to Luna, I would be punished. I grabbed an already set tray that contained a plate of eggs, a side of bacon, toast, and a cup of orange juice before rushing upstairs to Teresa's room. I knocked on the door and heard her permit me to come in. She was sitting on the edge of her purple princess canopied bed and must have been eagerly awaiting my arrival. I held my lips in between my teeth as I went to place the tray on her bedside table when she pulled my hair harshly. "Did I tell you to bring my food to my room?" That was the first thing she growled out. I stared at her without replying knowing it gets on her nerves whenever I did that. "Lower your eyes, you useless she-wolf!" she growled. "As you wish," I thought to myself. Just then, the door flew open, and Luna Beatrice stormed in. "What's happening here?" she questioned looking between us, I knew she already concluded when she narrowed her eyes at me. I was always the one at fault. "Can't you do anything right for once, you freak?!" she fumed at me and then turned to her daughter, “That's the least of our worries now. Your father needs you downstairs," Luna squealed excitedly. Phew! She was in a good mood and whatever the Alpha needed Teresa was more exciting than her doling out a punishment for me. I was relieved. "Okay Mommy, I will be downstairs in a few minutes." Teresa replied before turning to me. The Luna nodded and left the room without as much as a second glance at me. "Take this out of my room immediately!” Teresa ordered pointing to the food before stomping out after her mother. “Brat,” I muttered very softly under my breath. As soon as she left, not wasting even a moment before I was accused of theft, I took the tray and made my way to the kitchen. I tripped over someone’s leg on the way. I stumbled before managing to steady myself and looked up to see Tate with a greasy smile on his face, Teresa's brother and the next Alpha. I disliked him because he was a flirt and a horrible one at that. "You might want to watch where you're going sweet," he said. I was relieved that was all he said before he continued on to the the dining area but not before he brushed his hands against my sides as he passed by me causing me to shiver in disgust. Now who is the real freak? "What took you so long?" Seraphina demanded with a scowl when I finally got to the kitchen. "Teresa didn't want the food she REQUESTED and I tripped on my way coming back! Thank goodness I didn't spill the juice,” I replied, making sure to enunciate on the most important part before I get blamed for making her loose her appetite. "Whatever! Go and serve more bacon and coffee at the table," she rolled her eyes and left. I grabbed the tray of what was needed at the dining table, deposited it on a cart and walked carefully to the dining area, not wanting to spill anything. I looked around the table and noticed that the Beta, gamma, and the other ranked wolves were not present. "Good for me," I thought. I served Alpha Reid before moving to Luna Beatrice, who was engrossed in conversation with the Alpha. Then I moved to Teresa, who seems to be interested in whatever her parents were discussing. I heaved a sigh of relief as soon as I finished serving her, thankful she didn't cause a scene. Finally, I approached Tate, who had a smug look on his face. I placed the bacon in front of him before pouring the coffee. He pretended to drop his fork attempting to see under my dress. I shifted and quickly adjusted myself. I was ready for him, I also pretended to not see him with his hand wandering around looking to pick the fork he “dropped.” I stepped on his fingers making sure to pin it with the sole of my shoes. He let out a short scream out of pain and I released his fingers after I was contented. I pretended to be in shock as I opened my mouth wide and even mouthed "sorry." He slowly rose up with a fake smile on his face, he of course didn't want his family to find out the very reason why he had just yelled out like a baby and interrupting their breakfast. They were all staring at him and the alpha had a displeased look on his face. In an attempt to correct everything, he clumsily hit the cup of coffee which I was just about to set down. His face was not spared and my poor clothes became wet. I was quick to catch the cup before it touched the ground but I couldn't save the coffee as it ended us splashing on Teresa who was sitting next to him. Her dress taking the brunt of it. I was suddenly thankful I didn't serve the coffee steaming hot as I had intended to and was still trying to process what went wrong when all of a sudden, I felt a sharp sting on my cheek. I raised my head to see Teresa with a murderous look marring her features. "Can't you do anything right, you trash?" she yelled, pointing at her dress. "I'm sorry," I mumbled with my head down, reaching to grab some napkins from the cart to clean her dress. But before I could reach her, she pushed me so hard that I landed on the floor with a thud. "Get your hands off me, you filthy w***e!" she growled. "The next time I see you flirting with Tate, I will make sure to put you in your place," she threatened. So that was her problem. Didn't she see that it was her brother who was instigating it? "That's enough, Teresa!” someone ordered. It was the Alpha. Teresa chanced a look at her father to see him with a scowl on his face, she bared her teeth at me and made sure to give a finger-crushing grip before reluctantly releasing me. I was a little happy she was reprimanded by her father even though I knew the alpha wasn't doing it for me, he doesn't usually care about what she does as long as it doesn't interfere with his affairs or when there were other werewolves visiting the pack “You can leave now.” The Alpha announced and I was all too happy to oblige. There was a silent hush at the table as I made my way to the kitchen smiling discretely to myself which I quickly stopped when I overheard the other Omegas whispering amongst themselves. "I heard that the Alpha is forming an alliance with the Red Moon pack," an Omega whispered. I crept closer to listen. "The Alpha says they are planning to exchange members to strengthen the alliance," another Omega said. "I hope I won't be chosen," a red-haired Omega said. Her name was Phoebe, and she was a proud and pompous Omega because Tate was sleeping with her. The others immediately nodded in agreement. The Red Moon pack was also known as 'The Devil Pack' among other packs. That's because they were the most ruthless and feared pack, ruled by a notorious Alpha named Alpha Logan. They were also the strongest and largest pack, which is why most Alphas wanted to sign an alliance with them for protection. No rogue dared to enter their territory for fear of being tortured to death. They were also rumored to be tall, scary, and dangerous wolves whom one wished to avoid. I shivered at the thought of being chosen as one of the members for exchange. "But what if I were mated to one of the ranked wolves?" Phoebe said with a glint in her eyes. "I wouldn't be an Omega anymore. Instead, I would be mated to someone from the strongest pack." From the corner of my eye, I noticed that someone had come out from the new storeroom. I suspected it was probably one of the betas that I was avoiding so I had to let myself into the kitchen. I had planned to just go sit in a corner or something pending the time breakfast would be over and we would be called to come clear up the dining room but trouble just couldn't seem to avoid me the same I've been trying to avoid Tate. "Perhaps you were dreaming of being mated to a ranked wolf too?" Phoebe said sarcastically when she caught sight of me, and her audience burst out in tiny giggles of mockery. They knew I was never going to be mated since I didn't have a wolf and even then my mate was probably going to reject me. It was a common subject of gossip among the pack members and I've long since been immune to it. "You are never going be mated to another Omega, let alone a ranked wolf, because you are worthless," she added as though I wasn't clear about it. "Not to worry, dear. I might consider speaking to my mate on your behalf, perhaps he might let me take you as my maid," she cackled. "I'm sorry, but I have to reject that offer. I can't imagine going to a devilish pack to work under a sadistic wolf," I muttered under my breath. I realized I wasn't so silent as I had thought when the room fell into silence. I could feel anger radiating from Phoebe as she approached me. Probably in a bid to save face, she half-shifted and took a swipe at me. I stepped back instinctively but of course, I was at a disadvantage, and she succeeded in clawing my left arm. I hissed in pain and ran my right hand over the affected area to gauge the injury and thankfully, she didn't draw blood. I soon felt it healing albeit a bit slowly. "You are to wash all the utensils that was used in making breakfast for the pack and you're also on washing duty for all that would be used at dinner later today with no help from anybody. Are we clear on that?" she ordered, looking to see who would protest. Nobody did and with that, she scoffed and left the kitchen. The omegas left then in twos and threes until they were all gone. I groaned to myself as I looked around the large space and then let out an even louder groan when I saw the mess that was the kitchen sink. I had brought this upon myself. I started to arrange the dirty pots, plates and spoon into piles and soon got to washing. At least I got a nice view, I mused. My favourite thing about the kitchen apart from the food that is, was the huge window above the sink that gave a beautiful view of the pack house’s garden and the track that led into the woods. Whenever I was on dishes duty, I would look out of the windows imagining a big beautiful wolf popping out of the woods, then he'd sniff his way to me and when he finally got to me, he would announce; “I finally found you, my... “ A noise snapped me out of my fantasies, it was Diane, a cute small-faced omega with a head full of very black hair. She had come to drop another stack of plates. She left as soon as she came and I was soon left alone again. When I was finally done, it was noon and I didn't waste a second to rush towards the rack where the omegas’ foods were kept. I hadn't had anything since morning and my stomach was already sending me signals. I was almost salivating at the thought of getting something into my tummy when a hand shot out to grab the last tray on the shelf. I didn't need to turn to know it was Phoebe. Looks like she didn't get her fill scratching me earlier. I turned to face her with a sigh preparing to fight for my food when I saw her heading towards the kitchen island. I was a little confused until I realized with horror, what she was intending to do. I stood there hungry and stupefied, watching her pour a cup of coffee on my breakfast turning it into a soggy mess. “Enjoy.” She said with a satisfied smirk while wiggling her fingers in a wave as she left in a hurry. She was lucky she did, probably sensed my murderous intent backed by hunger. My stomach rumbled again as I stared at my soggy breakfast. Feeling weak, tired and famished, I backed up against a wall and slid down it. I began to think of different ways I could get back at Phoebe, oh she was so going to regret it. I was still caught up in my murder plan when someone tapped me making me jump. I looked up to find another one of the omegas, Ava, starting down at me. "Here," she said, shoving a piece of toast in my hands. Probably from her breakfast or maybe stolen, from where? I don’t know and I didn’t care as I greedily gobbled it down. It did nothing to stave my hunger and Ava must have realized this as she proceeded to hand a glass of orange juice which I quickly downed. I felt placated and only then did I deign to turn to her. "Why did you help me?" I asked, slightly surprised. In all the years I had been here, no one had ever tried to help me or befriended me. "Because I don't like what she did to you," she simply replied. “But she's always been like this. How's this any different?” I queried a little harshly. “I wasn't always there to witness it, today I was,” She replied, undaunted by my tone of voice. I released a sigh when I realized she was right, she was assigned to cleaning the pack house’s rooms and the only times I've met her was when I went to grab cleaning supplies from the cleaning supplies room. And the only reason I knew her name was because I had heard Teresa yell her name sometime ago. “Oh. Thanks for the food, by the way. If I might ask, where did you get the toast and the juice?” I asked "I found it over there," she pointed to the microwave where I had dropped Teresa’s rejected breakfast earlier this morning. I deduced it must have been it. “You know you could get punished for stealing food,” I joked, knowing nobody was going to ask about it unless Teresa decided she wants the tray back and the probability of that happening was never. "Yeah, food that has nobody eating it.” She quipped. I smiled, realizing that I hadn't introduced myself. "I'm Hazel," I said. "I'm Ava," she replied. "I already know," I whispered. “And I already knew yours too,” she replied. We looked at each other for a few seconds before bursting into giggles. "I'm sorry, but I need to go now, I need to get the laundry.” she said after a while. "Sure, I should also get going. I need to catch up on some much needed sleep before the visiting pack arrives. I can already tell it's going to be hectic.” She nodded and we both left the kitchen. I walked with her as the laundry room was on the way. We said our byes when we got to the laundry, she went in and I continued to my room. As I lay down in bed, thoughts of the upcoming visit from the Devil Alpha occupied my mind.

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