Chapter Four-2

2006 Words

Vina, who was invariably thinking of something else when Lady Farringham was there, had been alerted because of the horses. She thought that any man who could destroy an animal in such a way ought to be put in prison. She had even spoken about it to her uncle. “Surely,” she had said to the General, “somebody should stop these steeplechases at night when horses are forced over jumps that are too high for them? The riders are obviously incapable of controlling them.” “Silly young fools, they are too drunk to know what they are doing,” the General had replied. “Supposing you spoke to them, Uncle Alexander? Would they not listen to you?” “In any Regiment under my command I would make sure they did!” he had replied. “But it is the Duke of Quarington’s job to see that his brother behaves h

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