Chapter 3-2

2015 Words

When she entered the room, she found to her consternation that Sir Harvey was not alone. He was indeed sitting almost where she had left him. But there was another man beside him and both had glasses of wine in their hands. She would have withdrawn the moment she realised that Sir Harvey was engaged, but he looked up and saw her and it was too late. “Ah, Paolina,” he said. “We have a visitor.” He beckoned her forward and then, as she reached his side, said to the man who had risen, “Your Grace, may I present my sister?” As if manipulated by a master hand, Paolina sank down in a deep curtsey and, as she rose, Sir Harvey said, “The Duke of Ferrara has most graciously invited us to sup with him tonight.” “That is very – kind of Your – Grace,” Paolina managed to stammer. “I was sorry t

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