Chapter 15

614 Words

Mario POV  I'm in my office sitting in my black comfy chair holding the bridge of my nose. These idiots had one f*****g job ONE. Kept that asshole who tried to steal from me alive to see what we can get out of him. But no they had to go right ahead and kill him.  "So" I asked bringing both hands in front of me to rest my chin on.  "Sorry boss we couldn't help our selves. His blood was just calling us." i***t number one said  "Yeah boss what he said." And that would be i***t number two That's what I get for having baby vamps stand guard. But where els am I suppose to send them to get them out of my way.  "You guys need to learn self control. Now how am I suppose to know who he worked for and why he was going through my s**t stealing shipment information."  At this point I'm just agita

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