Chapter 4

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Jason pov After waiting what feels like forever hers and my parents smoked into the room. Alex parents ran up to her to examen her injury.  "What happened." Lucifer asked.  "We has went to a coffee shop because she wanted a venti white mocha. You know Alex she has to have her coffee." "Skip to the end boy." Lucifer said facing me with his eyes pitch black. I know better than to disobey an order especially from my king.  "Yes my lord. She went to the restroom and minutes later there was a guy aiming his gun at another and Alex saved the other from being shot. But in the suspense of her getting injured my lord. I apologize I was not present in time to prevent this from happening. Everything just happen so fast." I said with my head bow. This time it was her mom Selena who answered.  "It's ok nephew. I understand. We do not have a way of knowing these things when it comes to Alex. Her future is so uncertain. That everything she does effects her path. But thank you my dear for getting her home right away."  "I'm sorry my queen. But I was not able to bring her home right away." I looked down ashamed. If it wasn't for that bastard we would have made it back sooner. My father stepped up and asked the question.  "Why was that son what happened." I explained everything that happened with that stranger and after I was done Lucifer looked up at me.  "Seems like my daughter found her werewolf mate. James find me information about this guy who he is what's his rank and why someone was aiming to kill him."  "Yes Lucy." My dad bowed. But the twitch in Lucifer eye I can tell he hates it when my dad calls him that. But I guess that's best friends for you. When Lucifer fell my dad fell with him. Saying "brothers til the end" and they been  together ever since. "He knows she a princess. But not what kind." I said rubbing the back of my neck.  "WHAT." Both our dads said  "He asked and I answered I couldn't help myself but let him know."  "It's ok son. It is in your blood to serve those of Royal and since he would technically be future king you were doing that out of duty to him. It's ok once we find him I will explain everything to him." "I got the bullet out. Silver. So who ever was after her mate knew he was a werewolf and since she is a majority of every supernatural and a majority of them are affected by silver it pained her ten times worst then it would have just one person. Her wolf should start healing her now." My mother said.  "Thank you mother. I don't know what I would do if it wasn't for you."  "Pish posh you knew exactly what to do but since it was Alex you just panic. It's natural for protectors to feel that way." "Shall we wait in the resting area til she wakes up." Lucifer asked gesturing everyone to leave the room.  "If it's ok with you my lord I would feel better if I stay by her side til she wakes up." He looks at me for a moment than nods his head.  Lucifer POV.  I have NEVER felt this short of panic until James came running into my office saying my little girls got shot. The last time I've seen her was for her 11th birthday. Because James has informed me that we were followed and I couldn't risked her like that again so I've kept my distance watching over her. Killing anyone who dares harm my daughter. What can I say I'm the devil for a reason. I show no mercy. I smoked into the kitchen where I knew my wife would be. I didn't ask just grabbed her against my chest and smoked to their apartment. Seeing her laying there pale with her hair looking faded out it was just I can't even put it in words. As a parent we try our hardest to prevent s**t like this to happen to our children. But when it does we can't help but feel helpless.  After Jason explain everything to us and willow took care of my daughter we left Jason with her and made our way to the resting area.  There was a knock on the door and I couldn't help but jump up and put my wife behind me. Before we got here James made sure to put up wards around the building so we wouldn't be tracked. I look over at James and he nods. James comes out of the room and goes straight to the door. Next thing you know he is being thrown across the room and there is a guy standing in the resting area looking at us.  "Where is she." He asked looking around. His eyes are pitch black and I can hear his wolf in his head whimpering as he sees me. Good at least the mutt knows how to bow does to those in power. Looking at him again I realize this must be my daughter mate. I look over at Jason and he looks ready to attack him but I lift my hand and look over at him.  "Go check on Alex." He nods and start making his way to the room. But is stop by the mutt. At this point I'm to amused to stop what happens next. I sit back down with a smirk on my face crossing my leg with my ankle over my knee and just watch. Hey he's my daughter mate I have to make sure he is worth of her and can protect her for what comes next.  Right when Jason was about to throw another punch Alex enters the room with her eyes pitch black and her claws extended.  "ENOUGH." She said with sure certainty I couldn't help the pride that blossom in my chest. That right there ladies and gentlemen is my daughter.  Both Jason and this guy stop what they are doing to look over at her. Jason is the first to speak.  "Princess are you ok. Do you need anything. How are you feeling." "I'm fine jas." She says waving his worry away. She looks over to the new comer and asked.  "And you who are you and what are you doing here."  "My name is Anthony my love. And I am your mate." "Mate I heard that word before." She looks over to me and asked  "Daddy what's going on."  Well looks like the prophecy has started and looks like we are in for a long talk.  Alex POV  Black everything is black until it isn't. I'm in a forest by the looks of it and I'm the middle of this forest there is a waterfall with a wolf laying down at the edge. It's the biggest wolf I have ever since. It has the purest white fur and bright red eyes. I know I should be afraid but I'm not. I feel safe. So I start making my way towards the wolf. It looks up at me and I stop.  "I will not hurt you for you and I are one." "I don't understand." "You will. My name is amira and I am your wolf." "Wolf? I can't have a wolf I'm a demon." I'm so confused at this point.  "It is time to wake up Alex. And all would be explained."  And just like that I am sucked back to reality. I hear a crash in front of my door and I immediately push the covers off of me and run to the door. But when I do I see Jason fighting the guy I saved in the coffee shop and my dad sitting on the couch with a smirk on his face. Yeah he is so enjoying this. Ladies and gentlemen that's my father for you and I just see my mom shaking her head in her hands.   "ENOUGH" I said with all the strength I can into the words.  Once I know I got both their attention I look over to my dad and say  "Daddy what's going on." Anthony POV.  My mate is alive and she is healed? How can that be. She didn't smell supernatural. She smelled human. And why is she surrounded by demons. And most importantly why is the king of hell here in the living room. I realize my mistake when my wolf told me to shut up and told me who he was. Our creator.  "Daddy what's going on." Daddy? s**t everything is coming together now. Daddy Lucifer princess. She is the princess of hell. But he doesn't have kids everyone would of known of this. Everyone would of been on this. This makes her just as powerful as the devil himself. s**t my mate is a princess. Well I'm shookith.  "I think it is time for us to talk baby girl." He says gesturing us to have a seat. I put my hand at the middle of her back to guide her so she could sit next to me before that demon boy gets to her. I couldn't help but feel that spark everyone talks about when I touch her and I notice her shiver but try to cover it up with a cough. Sneaky sneaky mate I've notice.  "So baby girl there is a lot you need to know that I don't know where to start." He says.  "Why not start at the beginning." My mate says crossing her arms.  "Ok baby. 18 years ago we found out about a prophecy. A prophecy saying of a child being born from the king himself. You see Alex during that time I dismiss the witch because I thought it wasn't possible.   Your mom and I have been together ever since I've entered hell. So you see after  centuries and centuries of being together we figured it would be impossible until one day we heard a faint heart beat coming from your mother. Realizing this prophecy the witch was saying was true we called her back to tell us what the whole thing was about."  Dam so she really is his birth daughter. I reach over to hold her hand to show her I'm here for her. She looks over at me and gives me a small smile with a nod. We both look over to Lucifer for him to continue.  "The witch says "a child born from the king him self will reign when he falls. For those who seek her power will come for her. In order for her to find her balance she need her mates to control the power. If not she would burn not only the dark but will burn the light."  "I don't understand who will come after her. And what is the balance she needs."  I asked. My mate looks just as confused than me.  "Being how I created all supernaturals. My daughter is all in one. She is part demon, wolf, vampire, witch, and fae. Since she is 18 it's up to her to find her mates in order to control her abilities. Since you are a wolf it would be your job is train hers. And help her control.." My mate is everything. And it is my job to teach and protect her.  "Daddy you said when he falls what does that mean." I can tell it pained her to say that.  "I'm not sure baby. But what ever it means you must be ready baby. Ok."  She just nods and put her head down.  "Those who is coming after her. That I do not know. It can be anyone and everyone. Like I said my daughter is even more powerful than me so they will either kill to gain that power or use her to control it. I'm not for certain." I can tell he doesn't like not knowing things especially when it comes to his daughter. s**t I don't like knowing things.  "And since you found your first mate princess. The spell cast on you will start to fade so people will start knowing of your presence. And as much as I hate to be saying this and how uncomfortable I am you need to start forming your mating bonds as fast as possible." He says with such distaste. But as for me I'm excited. Wait spell.  "What spell?" "I had to cast one on her to conceal her for your world. But since it's going to start fading away people will know she is my daughter and will start coming after her. Jason here will be with you guys every step of the way. She is her appointed royal guard and formed a bond with her to know of her exact location of need be. And I would advise you to form a bond with him as well seeing how he is now your royal guard as well as the future king." He says with a bow  Fuck king. I didn't think about that. But what of my people?  "What kind of bond!?" "You just have to form a spell with both your blood and you both will drink it and it will form." "Ok" I don't know what els to say. This is all to much information. I need to speak with Alex and see how she feels about this.  "I must be going now my love. You know what to do. And remember your mom and I will always be looking out for you." He gets up and kisses her temple her mom does the same and they both smoke out. All the is left Is Alex and Jason. Well this is going to be interesting.
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