Chapter 2-1

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Chapter 2 “Wakey, wakey. Eggs and bakey!” Nolan lifted his head off his pillow and peeked at his bedroom doorway with one slit eye. Cam stood just outside his door, hands on his hips and smiling broadly. “Go away, Cam.” “Nope.” Cam came into the room and started pulling at Nolan’s comforter. “We’ve got a big day ahead of us and I got up extra early and made us breakfast.” Nolan was lying on his stomach and reached back to grab the comforter before it could be fully snatched off his nude body. “Quit!” Cam let go and laughed. “I’ve seen that pale ass of yours many times. Why are you naked? Did that Tory girl sleep over? Huh?” Cam jumped onto the bed and began playfully poking his annoyed roommate. “Did you stick it to her? I bet you did and I bet she liked it.” “I’m in hell,” grumbled Nolan. “Enough! Okay! I’m up.” Cam jumped off with one last jab before heading out of the room. “Food’s getting cold, so I’m going to eat. You’d better hurry if you want any.” The smells coming from the kitchen area of the apartment were pretty enticing. Nolan reluctantly checked the time before getting out of bed and dragging on some clothes. He walked to the counter and loaded a plate high with bacon, scrambled eggs, and sausage links. He noticed a full glass of orange juice was already waiting for him at his spot at the table. Nolan groaned in pleasure as he put the first piece of perfectly cooked bacon in his mouth. “That’s amazing.” “That’s what Tory said,” Cam said with a smile. “Toni,” Nolan corrected. “Oh, so she did say that? I knew you wouldn’t skip out on me without good reason.” “It’s not like that,” Nolan said. “She’s actually really nice.” “Like, girlfriend nice?” “No. We talked about Ashley mostly.” “Oh, God.” Cam rolled his eyes. “Then I’m sure her panties stayed totally dry all night. That’s not exactly the most enticing conversation a girl wants to have with a guy she likes.” “It was for a class. And we don’t like each other.” “All right,” Cam said. “If you say so. Do you feel better? Like talking it all out one more time?” “I do, really. How was One-Eyed Willy’s?” “Pretty lame, really. There weren’t many ladies working. I heard they all got food poisoning or something.” “Yikes.” “Yeah, and I couldn’t stop thinking any minute that one of them was going to puke or crap or something while they were spinning around.” “Oh, gross. Can we talk about something else?” Nolan pointed down at his plate. He wasn’t sure if he could continue eating after that particularly vivid image began playing in his head. Fortunately, Cam’s culinary skills were enough to overcome his imagination and the two men settled into a comfortable silence as they finished up their meal. While they were cleaning up the dishes, Cam said, “Well, I guess it’s probably a good thing you didn’t hook up with Tory.” “Toni.” “Toni. Whatever. I know how you get when you’re in a relationship. You don’t have time for anyone else and that wouldn’t work this weekend.” “Why not?” Nolan asked. “I’ve got a surprise planned for you.” “I hate surprises.” “Well, what else did you have planned?” Cam asked. Nolan looked at the wall clock and considered his options. “Well, since it’s Saturday, I had planned on sleeping until at least noon. Since it’s nine now, it looks like that plan’s shot to shit.” “Great. Okay. Sleep ‘til noon. Very ambitious. And what next?” “I don’t know,” Nolan said. “Maybe some Call of Duty? I still have to work on that Biology, too.” “Well, my friend,” Cam said. “Forget all those thrilling ideas and get to packing.” “Packing?” “Yup. We’ll get back Sunday night.” “What do I need to pack? Are we going to the beach? Hiking?” “I can’t say. Just pack normal stuff. But not that shirt.” Cam pointed to Nolan’s T-shirt. “What’s wrong with my pug shirt?” Nolan asked. “Well, for starters, it has a giant freaking pug face taking up the whole front of it.” “Hey! It’s my favorite shirt!” “And you wonder why you’re single.”
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