Chapter 7

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The rest of the morning passed calmly and during the afternoon, I helped little Bianca with everything, and as I promised, I went to pick her up from school. I needed her to feel comfortable with me, so I did a lot of things to win her over. I ended up completely exhausted at the end of the day. It's been a week working here at the Santorini mansion. I haven't seen Mr. Sebastián in days. After what happened that night and the following morning, we both avoided each other like the plague. It's quite childish of us, but I can't help it. I don't want any problems, and Rebecca has it out for me. She looks at me with hatred every day, and I'm not even to blame. Yes, I interrupted them, but only that. In my defense, I didn't expect to come across that in the kitchen. They should be careful where they do their... their… their things. The days have passed by helping Bianca with her things, accompanying her to her workshops and classes, which, to be honest, I've quite enjoyed. So much so that the teachers have invited me to participate in them, which I've done after getting the authorization from the little girl. They have been quite entertaining and instructive days for both of us. I see how I'm slowly melting that little iceberg she has. She even smiles more now, a smile that lasts a few seconds, but it's enough to see that I'm on the right track. And as for Mr. Sebastián, uff, I have been dreaming about him at night and what my eyes saw that night. Needless to say, they are all wet dreams. I wake up gasping and sweaty in the middle of the night. I would go happily for a glass of water, but I don't want to encounter the same thing, so I stay longing to go downstairs. Instead, I decided to bring a bottle of water upstairs for when I wake up thirsty, and it has been quite practical so far. I have bumped into him several times in the past few days, but we only exchange a few words, although his gazes towards me feel more intense each time. Today is finally the weekend, and I've decided to do only fun activities, preferably outside the house. I would like to invite Mr. Sebastián, but I haven't seen him, and I don't think he will accept. But I lose nothing by trying. I go downstairs early in the morning. Since it's Saturday, the little girl wakes up a little later, but I still woke up early because I want to cook something delicious for when she comes down for breakfast. If there's something I like to cook, it's all kinds of desserts. In all the part-time jobs I've had in my life, I worked in a pastry shop where I learned many of the recipes they used there. I even took some workshops to specialize. So, today I decided to make a chocolate cake with strawberries. I know that the little girl likes both things but isn't allowed to eat them. Nonsense, it never hurts to eat something delicious and deviate from a healthy diet. Besides... she's a child, she has the right to enjoy these things. When I arrived in the kitchen, I didn't see anyone. I searched for the ingredients one by one and started with my mixture. A few minutes later, I put the mixture in the oven for baking. While that was ready, I cleaned and cut the strawberries while dancing to the music playing in my headphones. I'm so focused that I didn't even notice when the oven timer starts to sound. I quickly turned around and turned it off before it burns. That would be really unlucky. I took the base of my cake out of the oven and left it on the counter to cool while I make the frosting, which is a pink glaze, because it's Bianca's favorite color. I cut, fill, and assemble the cake, and then cover it all with the frosting. “Ready, it turned out perfect!” I speak out loud, quite satisfied with my result. I'm so focused on my task that I didn't even realize that someone is watching me from the kitchen doorway. I didn't see them approaching, and I didn't notice. I jumped in surprise, screamed, and I placed one of my hands at heart level, feeling it beating fast. He looked at me amused by my reaction. “M-Mr. Sebastián, g-good morning,” I greeted him despite how flustered I am. “Good morning, Isabella. I didn't know you woke up so early and even less that you were cooking,” he said, approaching me and pointing at the cake on the table. “O-only today, sir.” I don't want him to think that I’m doing this every day and that I'm taking liberties that maybe don't belong to me. “Hmm, is it good?” he asked with a look that has me glued to the floor, a look that I can't decipher. “W-what?” Now, I've become stupid in his presence. “Is the cake good?” he said with a half-smile that provokes certain things inside me. “Of course... of course it is. I made it myself.” I regained my composure and spoke with more confidence. “Hmm, I would have to taste it to agree with you and see if it tastes as good as it looks,” he said, examining me with his gaze. I saw him dangerously approaching me, and I reacted by taking several steps backwards. I cursed when I felt the marble of the counter against my backside. Now, I have nowhere else to go. I stayed in the same place, looking attentively at what my boss was doing. He approached me even closer. My breathing becomes erratic, my heart beats nervously, my palms sweat, and I can't help but look at him, especially his lips, those lips that I imagine somewhere else. I blushed at my own thoughts and avoided his gaze. His body was inches away from mine. I felt him getting closer to me, his breath brushed against my cheek, and I saw him extend his right hand to the level of my waist. “W-what are you doing, s-sir?” I asked nervously, trembling from head to toe. “Trying.” I widened my eyes, but when he came closer and I felt his chest almost touching mine, I closed my eyes and let myself be carried away by his scent, a scent too masculine for my mental stability. He lightly caressed my arm, tickling my neck with his breath, and I don't know what's happening, all of this can't be real. He leaned in completely, and I felt how my hardened n*****s brush against his left arm, my skin tingling from his closeness. I want to touch him, but I know I shouldn't. I won't be like Rebecca. He's my boss and I have to respect that. Just as I'm about to escape from his almost embrace, I heard him moan, a moan that goes straight to my core, causing me to unconsciously close my legs. “Hmmm… delicious…” he said in a hoarse voice while sensually sucking his finger. He continued talking, but I'm not paying attention anymore. I didn't hear what he's saying. I got lost in how he licked his finger, how his chest looks in that tight shirt, what's underneath all that clothing, and how drops of sweat fall down his forehead, drops that I would like to lick until there were none left. I blushed again at my thoughts. I must be as red as a tomato. I hope he doesn't notice it and doesn't ask me questions about my behavior. “You really cook very well... Isabella,” he spoke to me again, but now with a deeper, more s****l tone, and he looked at me in a way that made me very nervous. I denied what I'm thinking. It can't be possible. I'm thinking things that aren't real. Maybe he wants to take me to bed like he did with Rebecca. That thought immediately changed something in me. I straightened my posture and cleared my throat, regaining my sanity, avoiding his gaze, and moving to the other side of the kitchen, creating a prudent distance between us, which confused him. My boss could see the change in me because his flirty expression turned into confusion. “I'm glad you liked it, sir. I made it for your daughter, Bianca.” When I mentioned his daughter, his attitude completely changed, and he now looks angry. “Has that brat given you any trouble?” It annoys me that he talks about her like that. She's his own daughter for God's sake. “No, sir, Miss Bianca is very loving with me. She behaves very well, up to the standards of her last name.” I saw a hint of pride flash in his eyes at the last thing I mentioned, but it was so quick that I don't believe what I saw was real. “Good.” That's all he said as he grabs a bottle of water from the counter and turned towards the exit. This is my opportunity to invite him to what I have planned with Bianca for today, so I stop him before he leaves. I ran towards him and grabbed his arm, feeling as if an electric current runs through my entire body, which makes me let go of him immediately. It seems like he felt it too. “Sir, I wanted to invite you to an activity I will do with your daughter this afternoon. It would be really nice if you could accompany us,” I said quickly but clearly. I saw him tensing all the muscles in his body without turning to face me. He has his back towards me, and although I can't see him well, I felt his breathing becoming erratic and his chest rising and falling. “I'm not interested in anything related to that girl. Just stick to what is specified in your contract, and I don't want to hear any more of these stupid invitations from you,” he said angrily without looking at me, and he left me alone with my thoughts in the kitchen. I cursed because maybe it was too soon to include him, but I know he will have to accept one of my invitations sooner or later. I have a mission to fulfill, and I won't rest until I achieve it. After that uncomfortable situation in the kitchen, which still has my nerves on edge as I go over what happened, my mind makes me think about his gaze, his gestures, and his insinuations, which caused a lot of things in me, making my face heat up again. “I must have gone crazy without realizing it,” I said to myself aloud. “Isa, are you okay? Your face is red,” Lorena said innocently and concerned. If she only knew what I was thinking and what caused this in me, she would be just as worried or even more than me. “It's nothing, don't worry. I'm just hot, yes, that's it. The heat from the oven left me like this,” I quickly said, fortunately managing to come up with a valid excuse. “Ah... And what did you cook so early?” Another one? Is there a problem with cooking at this time? I know it's early, but it's not that bad either. “I want to surprise little Bianca with a dessert that I know will become her favorite.” The poor little one has rarely enjoyed the pleasure of desserts, but with me it will be different. We won't eat them excessively, but if I make one recipe per week, it will be fine. Speaking of her, I looked at the time on the clock and rushed to her room to wake her up. Upon arriving, I opened the curtains from side to side to let the sun rays in. “Wake up, wake up little grasshopper. Today is a wonderful day to enjoy!” I said, sitting beside her bed to remove the blankets from her face. “No, leave me alone,” she said, covering her face again. I ignored her request with a smile on my face and went to the bathroom to prepare her shower. Once she's ready, I went back to where she's still lying, covered up to her neck, and I removed the blanket again, looking at her with a smile. “If you get up and take a shower, I'll give you the surprise I have, and made... just for you,” I said the last part in a whisper. She looked at me hesitantly and I saw that she wanted to smile but she didn't. She reluctantly got out of bed and before entering the bathroom, she looked at me over her shoulder and I managed to see a small smile on her lips. Which indicates to me that today will be a good day for us.
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