Chapter 2

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POV Sebastian Just like every day, I entered my office without looking or greeting anyone. I may seem rude to the rest, but I don't care. I'm not interested in what others think. "I need the contracts from the suppliers for the new office we will install in Las Vegas," I said coldly and sharply to my assistant. "Yes, sir, right away," the girl named Lili replies. I generally don't bother to learn their names because they don't last long working with me due to my demanding nature. I have a fairly cold, sharp, arrogant, and intimidating character. In addition to being very demanding when it comes to work, I don't accept mistakes, so they don't usually last long in the position and the management assistant vacancy is constantly available. Although I must admit that the girl currently filling that position is quite efficient and withstands my mood swings and the demands I impose on her. I take a seat behind my desk to start my day. Since my wife left me, I haven't been the same. My life has become a living hell for me, and rightfully so, as I lost my reason for living. I am a walking dead. I stopped smiling, living, and distanced myself from all people, my family, and friends. On the day of the funeral, everyone gave me condolences and sympathy that I didn't need, didn't want. I wanted my wife by my side, not in a damn coffin. I stopped enjoying things as I used to. I couldn't find meaning in anything anymore. I simply dedicated myself to work and filling my pockets with money because it helped keep my mind blank and prevented me from thinking about what I was missing. I stopped feeling, I had no empathy for anyone. I became cold and arrogant. There was nothing left of the cheerful, lively young man with many hopes and goals to fulfill. Now I'm just an empty shell devoid of emotions. I don't care about anything or anyone. Love... no, I will never do it again. It only brought me misfortunes. I loved so much that now I am completely destroyed by losing the owner of my heart. Women... only for satisfying my s****l desires, nothing more. I prefer them to be as far away as possible. I will never again get involved in a romantic sense with anyone. I am not willing to continue suffering, and I don't want another person to take the place left by my beloved wife. My life has been complete torture in the last few years since I lost her. Not only did I lose my beloved wife, but I also had to take care of a little girl who is her exact replica, a girl who, if it weren't for her, I would have the love of my life with me today, by my side, being happy. I can't feel affection for the girl, even though she was the fruit of our deepest love. I can no longer look at her with the love I felt for her before she was born. Every time I see her, it reminds me of what I lost with her arrival. If that girl didn't exist, I would have her by my side, fulfilling our dreams and being happy, because if I had known that having a child meant losing her, I would have preferred to never have them than not have her. It has been 5 years since that fateful and damn day. Not a single day goes by without me thinking about her, without remembering her beautiful smile, or without cursing the misfortune my life has become. Since the birth of that girl, my mother took care of her. I don't have much contact with the brat. I don't want to develop a bond with her because it's inevitable for me to look at her and see my beloved wife in her. This fills my heart with anger and resentment. But, as nothing goes according to plan, my mother left, leaving me in charge of the little devil. So I had to find a nanny to take care of the brat. Right now, it's been 8 months and none of them can handle it. They all quit after a few days or weeks, at most one lasted a month, but no more than that. Why? Because the brat is mischievous, never stays still, talks non-stop, and causes a lot of trouble that overwhelms those who take care of her. All the nannies have been hired from the best agencies in the city, but none of them have been able to withstand the little devil. And currently, I am in search of a new nanny because the current one resigned and gave me until the end of the week to find a new one. My secretary suggested putting up an ad and not continuing to search through agencies for the position I require since they haven't been successful. I decided to follow her advice, and that's what we did. We put up an ad on behalf of the company to see if anyone is interested in taking care of the little devil at my house, although the ad does not specify the job to be done. "Mr. Sebastian, I know it's your time to leave, but..." my assistant Lili enters the office. "Tell me, what's the matter?" I see her standing in front of my desk. "Somebody has arrived for the nanny position and is waiting in the reception area. If you want, I can ask them to come back another day." I breathe a sigh of relief. The current nanny is about to explode and leave me stranded before the weekend.- No, no, let her in... I'm about to be left with no one, and I urgently need a new nanny. - Know that she doesn't come from any agency, so she doesn't meet the standards of those places. - I don't care, I just need someone to take care of the brat. - Those places weren't much help either, because for the past 8 months I've had over 10 nannies coming through my house... does she know that the job is being a nanny? - I see her shaking her head. - No sir, the ad doesn't specify anything about the job to be done. - I smile satisfied, we'll see if this person is of any use to me. - Let her in, don't make her wait any longer or she might get bored - I let her know and then I return to concentrating on my work. - Of course sir, right away - Lili leaves my office quickly, closing the door in the process. A few minutes pass until I hear knocks on my door. I hope this girl is the right one to take care of the demon I have at home, or at least last longer than the rest. Hopefully she has enough patience to endure. - Come in - I give a small shout to whoever is on the other side. - Sir, here is the person who came for the ad. Her name is Isabella Davis - Lili enters my office introducing me to the girl behind her. She is of average height, dark hair, brown eyes, fair skin, defined body, dresses well, doesn't look like a runway model but she looks quite presentable and simple which makes her look beautiful. - Good afternoon - the girl speaks timidly when she is alone with me. - Good afternoon, please take a seat - I say as friendly as possible so that she doesn't fear me and run out of here. - You came for the vacancy we currently have, tell me, are you willing and available for this job? - I ask somewhat serious and cold to the woman in front of me, I must admit she is quite beautiful. - Yes, sir, but... I don't know what the job is, the ad didn't specify, but I wanted to come because it didn't require any experience - she says somewhat timid and nervous. - That's right, experience is the least of my concerns, others with experience have tried and haven't lasted even a month in the position - she looks horrified, perhaps imagining what she's getting into. "Sebastian, don't be an i***t, you can't scare her away, she's our salvation," my conscience reproaches me. - What does the job consist of? - she asks after taking a deep breath a couple of times. - Perfect, first I must clarify that the job is not for my company, but rather to perform duties in my house, more specifically taking care of a 5-year-old girl - she looks at me understanding the topic. - So the job is to be a nanny? - I nod my head and cross my hands on the desk. - That's right, I need someone to take care of a 5-year-old girl who is a hurricane, I need someone with endurance and patience, who won't run away at the first mischievous act of the girl - she fixes her green eyes on mine and listens attentively to what I say. - Of course sir, I understand - she responds, analyzing the proposal. - I would like to clarify that the job consists of a 24-hour shift, you will have 1 day off per week, preferably on Sundays so that you can do your things peacefully - she looks at me with wide eyes, don't think too much about it, she's the only person I can count on to help me right now. - 24 h-hours? - I nod in response, she seems somewhat doubtful about what I'm saying. - Yes, I don't have time to take care of her and I don't want to, if I'm honest - she blinks several times at the last thing I said, yes, I know it sounds horrible, especially if I'm talking about my own daughter, but I can't help it. - What else would I have to do? - her asking that tells me that she's still interested. - You will have to take care of her a hundred percent, take her to school, make sure she eats, help her with her homework, bathe her, dress her, etc. - she nods, weighing my words. - Will I have to be like her mother then? - she asks somewhat timidly. - Yes, that's right. Her mother died after giving birth, so you will have to be that figure for her as long as you endure taking care of her - I respond honestly, I don't plan on beating around the bush or sugarcoating things, that's not who I am. - I understand, and has the girl always had nannies? - I shake my head in response. - No, since she was born until 8 months ago, it was my mother who took care of her, but she passed away and I had to take responsibility, and since that day, several nannies have come and gone... Isabella, I won't lie to you, the girl is mischievous, she doesn't behave in the best way, and all the nannies I've hired so far have run away, that's why I ask you... are you willing to endure the girl and the responsibilities that come with the job? - I ask, serious and resolute, I need an answer. - Yes, sir. I accept the job - perfect, one less weight off my shoulders.- Excellent, I need you to start today. - I would love to, sir, but I need at least today to get my things in order and vacate the room where I'm staying - that's easy to solve. - My driver will accompany you and help you with whatever you need to get everything ready today. In my house, you will have your own available room with all the possible comforts, and your salary will be paid at the end of each month. Tomorrow we will discuss the documentation for your work contract - she nods happily and gives me a smile that, even if I want to deny it, I like. There is something about her that makes me trust her, and something more that I can't decipher. I have a good feeling about her arrival, I hope she lasts long enough to be able to control and endure the devilish brat. - Thank you very much, sir, for this opportunity. I will do everything possible to win over the little one - I nod because that's the only thing I can do right now. I don't care if she wins over the girl, I just want someone who can take care of her and endure enough so that I don't have to start playing this game again so soon. - Very well... Lili, please call Nelson - I pick up the communicator and ask my assistant to call my driver. The sooner we finish this, the better. That way, she can start her job soon and I will have one less thing to worry about. Nelson arrives in a few minutes, I tell him what he needs to do and who to assist, he nods in response, and after a few more words, they leave my office, leaving me completely alone, once again. I hope this young woman serves me for a sufficient amount of time, I have a good feeling, I just hope the brat behaves and doesn't scare away another nanny.
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