Chapter 8

1122 Words
Antonio’s POV Antonio walked away from Mackenzie with an ache in his chest. He didn’t understand why, but he didn’t like seeing her in distress like that. He kept walking, anxious to find out if his friends were alright. Upon entering his dorm, Antonio noticed that Brayden, Giovanni, and Dominic were all present in the sitting room, discussing the events that had just unfolded. He internally sighed in relief. “Hey guys, does anybody know what’s going on?” Antonio asked. They all turned to look at him. Brayden was the first to reply. “Nothing solid yet, but from what we’ve been reading on the college forums, it seems to be something big, Boss,” Brayden replied, the Beta in him surfacing. “I think it has something to do with the missing girls we’ve been reading about,” Dominic said, reading through an article on his phone. “Are there any more missing?” Tony asked, his brows scrunched together. A few months ago, Dominic started noticing a lot of articles about missing girls. After taking a closer look and checking out foreign newspapers, he discovered that this was a worldwide phenomenon. Every month, a new girl would disappear off of the face of the earth, never to be seen again. There were never any signs of a struggle or any clues left behind. It was like they were just vanishing into thin air. Antonio had ordered Dominic to keep a close eye on this strange discovery. “A new story keeps popping up every few minutes,” Dominic replied, pulling his hair in frustration. Suddenly, their phones all started making noise at the same time, a new notification popping up. “Something is going on back home,” Giovanni said worriedly as the guys all shared a look. Antonio’s father had bought specially developed software from another pack, who were specialized in IT, that allowed for a pack-wide announcement to be sent out in case of an emergency. It was introduced to the pack because a lot of young wolves chose to work or study abroad. “It says there is an attack on the pack.” Antonio jumped up, dialing his father’s number. Everyone was watching him. Tony waited until he heard the robotic voice of the answering machine. “No answer. You guys try your dads.” Antonio said. They all had the same outcome. Voicemail. “Guys, something is very wrong. We need to get back to our pack, right now.” Tony said seriously. “Let’s go make sure the girls are alright first though,” Brayden replied. Mackenzie POV “What do you mean, missing?” Mackenzie asked Georgia, still holding her shoulders. “We…w-went partying last night and…” Georgia tried speaking between sobs, “I-I thought she w-went home with someone…I...” Georgia waved her arms around her helplessly. “And that is exactly why I always make a plan when we go out together. You never know what can happen. Very irresponsible, Gigi.” Valery reprimanded. “Not helping, Vi.” Mackenzie shot her a warning look while Georgia started wailing even louder. “Have you tried calling her?” Mackenzie asked, trying to find out more. “O-of c-course I’ve called her! I’m n-not stupid!...I’m sorry!” Georgia burst out in anger, before regretting her outburst and going back to crying hysterically. “It’s okay, G. I’m sure she’s just sleeping off her hangover with some hot guy.” Mackenzie tried to lighten the mood. Georgia shook her head frantically. “You don’t understand. I can’t even mind-link her. Which means she’s out of range. When I try to connect, I get nothing.” Mackenzie started getting worried, but panic would get them nowhere. “Georgia,” Mackenzie began sternly. “Pull yourself together, you’re an Alpha for Goddess' sake, act like one.” Georgia looked at Mackenzie with a stunned expression before swiftly wiping away her tears. “You’re right, you’re absolutely right. I’m an Alpha.” Georgia said while nodding, trying to smooth out her disheveled-looking hair. They were startled by a knock on the door. “Come in!” Mackenzie called out. Tony, Brayden, Dominic, and Giovanni suddenly appeared inside their sitting room. “Mac, we’re goi…” Tony began before spotting Georgia. “What’s going on?” Dominic asked, rushing forward, and pulling Georgia into his arms. Mackenzie could tell it was hard for Georgia not to start crying again. “Evie is missing,” Mackenzie replied, sparing Georgia the hassle of explaining everything all over again. “Missing? How?” Giovanni asked. “I’ll spare you the details, but Gigi can’t mind-link her, so she must be out of reach somewhere,” Mackenzie explained quickly. “We got a notification that our pack is under attack. We…we can’t reach our fathers.” Tony said. Mackenzie could hear the worry in his voice and placed a hand on his arm. Tony’s gaze shifted to her. “Your father is a warrior. Don’t worry. It takes a tough wolf to take down an Alpha and his Unit.” Mackenzie tried to comfort him as best she could. Tony gave her a weak smile in response. Suddenly, Georgia’s phone started ringing. She pulled it out of her pocket and a confused expression appeared on her face. “It’s my dad,” Georgia said, confused. “Dad, what’s wrong?” Georgia asked. Mackenzie knew that the werecat didn’t have very much contact with her father while she was abroad. Werecats typically had a much more free upbringing compared to Wolfen children. “What do you mean, missing?” Georgia asked, panic evident in her voice. Everyone waited anxiously for Georgia to end the phone call. “Dad?! Hello?! Hello, Dad, can you hear me?!” They heard her repeat a few times. “What’s wrong?” Mackenzie asked, stepping forward. “Dad was just explaining to me how a lot of our female pack members went missing when suddenly, the line just went dead,” Georgia said, still staring at her phone. “He… He said that they just vanished.” Georgia looked up, fear flashing in her eyes. Mackenzie looked from Georgia to Tony, suddenly thinking about her own home pack. She quickly pulled out her phone from her back pocket and dialed her brother’s number. No answer. She tried her sister’s phone… “Hi, you’ve reached Madison’s voicemail. I’m not here right now, but feel free to go all out, after the beep.” Mackenzie heard her sister’s cheerful voice on the other end of the line before hanging up. Mackenzie swallowed and noticed everyone staring at her. “I-I can’t seem to reach anyone either.”
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