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Discovering an unfamiliar yet stunning blonde-haired woman, dressed in a short and form-fitting attire that scarcely concealed her assets, caught Wafa's attention. Her eyes gleamed with admiration, as she had never before encountered such a breathtaking individual. Lucy responded with a gentle and polite smile, extending her hand towards Wafa in a slow and delicate manner. However, Wafa recoiled in fear, concerned that she might inadvertently cause harm. "Please, relax. I mean you no harm," Lucy reassured, feeling remorseful for Wafa's sudden retreat. The fear in Wafa's eyes was evident. Wafa glanced at Lucy's outstretched hand and then back at her, questioning innocently while fluttering her eyelashes. Her naivety revealed her pure and innocent nature. Lucy smiled and nodded in affirmation. "Hey, why are you sitting down there? Come, sit here," Lucy suggested, gently grasping Wafa's shoulders and helping her to stand on her own two feet. It was apparent to Lucy that Wafa weighed no more than 25 kilograms, as she was incredibly thin and petite. "I... I was just trying to figure out what to do and why I am here," Wafa responded timidly, casting her gaze downwards towards her own disheveled and soiled dress, in stark contrast to Lucy's pristine and well-pressed attire. Wafa experienced a profound sense of inadequacy in the presence of Lucy's impeccably stylish attire. In an effort to alleviate her lack of self-assurance, Lucy took a seat beside her. Wafa, displaying her innocence, raised her eyebrows inquisitively and posed the question, "May I inquire as to your identity?" "I am Lucy, and if I am not mistaken, you must be Wafa," Lucy responded with an enthusiastic tone. Wafa couldn't contain her joy, as someone had finally recognized her. She smiled wholeheartedly and nodded her head in a childlike manner, akin to a young child receiving their first prize. "Yes, oh my goodness, are you an angel? How did you come to know my name?" she asked innocently. Lucy's smile widened, and she replied, "No, my dear, it is simply that we are friends. Do you not recall our acquaintance?" Lucy's hurt expression caused Wafa to furrow her brow. Nervously, Wafa swallowed and began fidgeting with her fingers, attempting to recollect her memory of Lucy. "I cannot seem to remember anyone or anything. Why do I constantly forget everything?" Wafa muttered to herself, her breathing becoming increasingly labored. Lucy, witnessing Wafa's distress, felt a surge of panic. "Please remain calm, as there is no need to panic, alright?" Lucy whispered softly, gently squeezing Wafa's hand. Wafa, feeling utterly confused and worried, simply nodded in agreement. "So, how was your day? Did you have the opportunity to explore this magnificent villa?" Lucy inquired with genuine interest. Wafa, attempting to recall, remembered the intense gaze she had encountered, which still sent shivers down her spine. "Yes," Wafa murmured in a low voice. "Wonderful. Now, what shall we do to alleviate our boredom? I find myself quite unoccupied," Lucy said, furrowing her brow and pouting. Wafa merely shrugged and yawned, having just woken up from a nap and feeling tired once again. Meanwhile, the sound of heels clicking could be heard approaching. Lucy rolled her eyes, knowing exactly who it was. Wafa raised her eyebrows gracefully, inquiring, "Who is it?" "Oh, it's nothing, my dear. Just an unpleasant individual," Lucy dismissed. Wafa gasped at the offensive language she had just heard. Frowning, she waved her hand, silencing Lucy. "No! That's an inappropriate word," Lucy chuckled and playfully pinched Wafa's cheeks. "Oh, you're such a darling," Wafa smiled, gently rubbing her cheeks. And there appeared Nancy, with a judgmental gaze, scrunching her nose at Wafa. Wafa felt humiliated, while Lucy glared at Nancy. Unlike Nancy, Lucy was not as vulgar, as she would never disrespect a woman. After all, she had her own story of hardship and struggle. Nancy stared back at Lucy, who also stood up without breaking the intense gaze. She harbors a strong dislike for this woman, who criticizes others without reason. Wafa felt incredibly small in the midst of this confrontation. Nancy turned her attention to Wafa and, with a hateful glare, spat, "I warn you, stay away from my Ehab baby!" "Ask your Ehab baby the same," Lucy retorted with a smirk. Wafa couldn't help but turn her head from side to side, following the speakers. Meanwhile, a rough and deep voice caused the girls to snap their heads in its direction. "Lower your voices, darlings. If the boss hears your loud arguments, you won't be heard in this villa for much longer," David uttered as he entered the room with a glass of red wine in his hand. His red eyes focused on none other than the center of attention, Wafa. Nancy rolled her eyes at him and demanded, "Where is Ehab? Has he returned from the office?" Her tone was more commanding than inquisitive. "That is not my concern, whether he is present or not," David shrugged, giving her a bored look. Nancy clenched her teeth at his tone. "Watch your tone," she warned him, but he paid little attention. "Whatever," he mumbled under his breath and greeted Wafa with a casual wave. Wafa stiffened at the sight of this tall, imposing man. He stood at around 6 feet, with a strong build. "Lucy, haven't you shown ma'am the gifts we brought?" David redirected her attention. "I was about to, but an unwanted guest interrupted us. Anyways, Wafa, we have brought you some gifts. We hope you will love them," Lucy said as she handed the gifts to Wafa. Wafa, feeling clueless, bit her lip and fidgeted with her fingers. Nervously and with a sense of shame, she spoke, "I don't remember the two of you. I can't accept this, please." David and Lucy exchanged glances and nodded at each other. "Oh, there's no need to worry. We are friends, right? Please accept these gifts. It would please us greatly if you do," David said, attempting to sound gentle so as not to frighten the poor soul. Otherwise, Ehab would surely frighten him.
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