Northern cold palace

1396 Words
"Prince Sebastian, I know you don't like me. It's alright if you don't because we can't force ourselves to do what we don't what do to. But still, just let me go back. I miss my home. O don't want to die here." Sebastian confusingly glanced at his wife who looked sad and gloomy. "What?" "I know about Lycans. But you don't have to kill me. I can help you to reunite with Ursala but..." "Shut up." Sebastian glared at the princess. It was true that he could kill her but right now he only had one goal in his mind and that was to get the throne and rule on all the three kingdoms. And he could not do this with Ursala. It has to be Saya. "I am not interested in making my hands dirty with your blood." Sebastian rolled his eyes and put the bow down while Saya smiled brightly. "Then, it means I can go back." "When did I say you can go back?" He questioned her who looked confused while Sebastian turned and left. Later at the dinner, Sebastian put his fork down and looked at the people on the table. There was sitting his brother with his mate, his uncle and his parents. "Mother, you said I can ask anything from you." He spoke in an emotionless voiceg gaining the attention from everyone except Saya who was struggling with the steak. Her jaw was hurting and she could not understand why these people only eat steak. At this rate, she will get a sharper jawline than Sebastian. "Yes, I remember." The lycan queen smiled softly. "I want the northern cold palace." He calmly blasted bomb on everyone's head. Northern cold palace was a gift of the lycan king to the queen on the birth of his first son. Not many knew the actual reason but the truth was the lycan queen spend the days of pregnancy at the palace as it was build in a very beautiful mountain and the weather was always pleasant there. As the lycan queen returned just before the delivery, she found the king with another woman. No matter how hard the king tried to explain that she was taking the wrong idea and that woman was only tending his wounds, the lycan queen, as a woman, never listened to him. She went into labor and gave birth to Sebastian's elder brother Paul. To prove his loyalty, the lycan king gave the palace to the queen but he was still suffering the consequences of what he never did. "That palace...." Paul spoke in low tone. He did not look happy as the palace was the strongest and safest among all. "Sebastian, honey, why don't you ask for something else. Mother will give you everything." "Then, I want it. Give it to me or ...." "Or what?" The lycan king cut his son. "Is this how you talk to your mother?" "Alright. You can have that palace. Now everyone eat in peace." The lycan queen tried to calm her husband. "But mom.." "Not now Paul..." "You always do this. You always prefer him over me. I am the older son and it is my right on this palace." Sebastian chuckled seeing the angry face of Paul. He looked at his side where Saya put a piece of steak in her mouth looking like a squirrel with her fluffy cheeks. "Or are you jealous. Who can say humans could give birth to such lovely things." He mind linked to Paul as the smirk on his face became deepened while Paul threw a deadly glare at him. He never saw Saya before and if he had, he would have sacrificed his mate just to get her. ........... "Why are you suddenly wanting to move to the cold palace? You did not discuss about it with me either." Sebastian was lazily watching the night sky when Kyle asked him about the incident that happened earlier. "Uncle, it's time to take care of the things. No matter what but father and Paul are too soft hearted. If they can't take care of these lowly matters than I have too." He stretched his neck as an evil smile appeared on his face. "Are you going alone?" "Hm, I do need some servants and for that purpose.....the little princess will be perfect." Kyle could not say anything. "I will go now. These days, I am acting good with her and she thinks I changed. What a pitiful human. Once I got what I needed that woman is going to suffer from my hands the most." He announced his plan and left while Kyle saw him leaving with a strange expression on his face. When Sebastian entered the room, he found Saya setting her quilt on the couch. She removed her shoes and get under the quilt leaving only her face out. For her the weather was too cold. Sebastian stood near her who opened her eyes and looked at him with a smile. She looked like a little panda all wrapped up in the big white quilt. "Why are you sleeping here? Did not I allow you to sleep on the bed?" Sebastian frowned while Saya pressed her lips together. "Prince Sebastian, I am happy you let me sleep on the bed yesterday but this couch is very comfortable too." Saya did not tell the truth and the Prince thought about the incident that happened earlier in the morning. Did she find out what he did? "You are so heavy and you move a lot." "What?" He was stunned. "Prince Sebastian, you are old so it might not affect you but I am too young for you. You nearly crushed me into a powder last night. Also, ..." "Wait, did you call me heavy and old at the same time?" The man was too stunned and also angry over the wrong accusations. He was not a woman who will mond such things but he did. How can you just body shame others when they are still in perfect shape and it's you who is too weak. "But aren't you? Your father said you are in your twenties." "And I am." "You look at least thirty." Sebastian scoffed and promised himself that he was going to rip her tongue as soon as he got the throne. "I am twenty one and I am not heavy. I have perfect weight for a lycan. It's you who is weak, pathetic and small like an ant. You are not only ugly but your brain is rotten too. You stupid woman..." Saya sat up and stared at the man who was boiling with anger. It was true that she might look weak in front of not only him but all the men here but it does not give him a right to insult her like this. "Prince Sebastian, how can you insult someone like this. You have no manners." Her eyes filled with salty water and Sebastian thought what about earlier when she said those words about him. "It will be good once you are gone. At least, I will be happy here." She pouted and glared at him. Sebastian frowned. "Gone? Princess, you are coming with me." He informed her and walked towards the bed while Saya was shocked. She made plans what she was going to do once he was gone but it seemed like life wasn't going to be in her favour. "But I can't go with you." "Why not?" Sebastian laid on the bed and glanced over Saya who was still hugging the quilt around her. "I can't stay in cold. I will be sick there. Moreover, I am very happy here." "It's not cold there. The palace is made of special marble so it stay cold in summer and this the name. You will like it there." He smirked as he explained. "I can't travel long distance." "We can take breaks as much as you want." Saya stared at the man in disbelief. He had the solution for everything and so she was right. "You are planning to kill me on the way, don't you?" She questioned him who opened his eyes and glanced at her. Well she does has some brains. But he was not planning to kill her on the way. He was planning to kill her in the palace. ...........
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