
The Lycan King's Mate

enimies to lovers

The Lycans, a powerful race with the ability to transform into wolves, dominated all creatures they encountered. However, their great power led to a devastating war, with packs fighting for control. Adrik, a young and just Lycan, rose to power and united the packs, becoming the first king. His rule brought peace and prosperity, but jealousies and rivalries threatened to undermine him. Amidst the turmoil, Amara emerged as a brave and kind young woman, drawn to Adrik. Together, they faced challenges that tested their love and loyalty to each other and their pack, as their decisions would shape the course of history for generations to come.

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Chapter 1: Captured
Amara's POV The pain was excruciating. I felt as if my body was on fire, my mind was a whirlwind of agony. I had lost count of how long I had been in this position, chained to the floor, and being tortured by Alpha Dominic himself. He seemed to enjoy it, his eyes gleaming with a sadistic pleasure as he twisted the knife deep inside me. "Why are you doing this?" I screamed at him, as tears streamed down my face. He chuckled."Because I can, Amara. Because I want to. And because I know it hurts you." I gritted my teeth, refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing me break. My wolf, a stunning creature named Luna, howled in pain and anger, but I managed to quiet her. I didn't want to give them the satisfaction of knowing how much they were hurting me. Eventually, even I couldn't take it anymore. I passed out from the pain, my body slumping to the floor. When I woke up, I was lying on the floor of the dark room that felt like a cell, my body bruised and battered. I groaned, trying to move, but the pain was too much. I closed my eyes and drifted back in time as I was in and out of consciousness, remembering the events that had led up to this moment. It had started with the attack on our pack. Dominic and his pack had come in the middle of the night, catching us all off guard. They had killed many of our pack members, including my parents. I had managed to escape, but my siblings had been taken. And then, Dominic had come for me. I remembered being dragged back to his pack, treated like a slave, and tortured. However, as to the reason why I was captured in the first place still remains a mystery. Isabella, his Luna, was just as cruel, joining him in tormenting me. The other pack members were no better, treating me like dirt. But I've held on, determined to escape and find my siblings. I remembered the hierarchy of the Black Moon Pack, Dominic at the top, with Isabella, Beta Adam, Gamma Olivia, and Delta Marcus right below him. Each had their own unique set of skills representing their personality and strengths. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening. Isabella walked in, with a wicked smile on her face. "Time for your punishment, slave," she sneered, grabbing me by my hair making me look up at her as the shackles pulled on my arms. I yelped in sheer pain, my wolf, Luna's growling becoming more and more angrier as I stare back at my persecutor. "Dominic wants to see you suffer," Isabella added. I braced myself for whatever was coming, my wolf snarling in defiance. I may have been beaten and broken, but I would not give up hope. I would find a way to escape and reunite with my family. When I did, I would make sure that Dominic paid for everything he had done. Dominic's Beta, Adam came and unshackeled me. He then carried me to my small confined quarters under the stairs. Where I lay, crying until sleep took over. My duties and responsibilities were endless. I was responsible for cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the pack's children. I had to do it all with a smile on my face, even when I was exhausted and in pain. If I didn't do it right, I knew I would be punished. The worst part was when I was alone. When I was finally done with my duties and had a moment to myself, I would curl up in a small nook under the pack house stairs, with just enough room for a bed. There were some nights that Luna would avoid speaking to me altogether. She too was suffering. Other nights we would try to plot ways we could escape. By the time sleep began to take over, we realized that this pack was just too organized for that and I eventually cried myself to sleep. I prayed for someone to come and rescue me. But no one ever did. My hope for leaving this pack seemed to be far fetched and unobtainable as the years press on. Having given up on ever being free from this prison-pack. Dominic and Isabella made sure of that, keeping a close eye on me at all times. They knew that I was valuable and they didn't want to lose me. Over the years I have tried to do my own investigating while held captive in this pack. I would eavesdrop on the Alpha whenever he would speak of me. Unfortunately, to no avail I haven't been successful at finding out anything other than "She's too valuable to let go". As I tried to block out the pain and focus on my childhood memories, I suddenly heard the sound of footsteps approaching. My heart raced as I knew that it was either Dominic or Isabella coming to torment me once again. I tried to make myself as small as possible, but I knew it was no use. The door opened, and I saw Dominic's cruel smile. "Get up," he said, grabbing me by the arm, pulling me up."There's work to be done." With that, I knew my nightmare would continue. I had no idea where Dominic was taking me. My heart pounded in my chest as he dragged me along the dark corridors of the pack house. Finally, we arrived at a large event hall, Dominic turned on me, his face twisted in anger. "As you are aware, I have been conducting business with the Lycan King over the recent months. Tonight he will be here and you're to decorate this place fit for a King's arrival," he snarled, getting in my face. "Make sure the meals are perfect. If you fail, my sweet, I will inflict pain upon you in ways that you can only fathom," he finished glaring at me with a sadistic grin that slowly crept upon his face. I nodded, afraid to say anything, and got right to work. Some pack members were there to help me, but they treated me very poorly. One was named Ryder, he constantly made snide comments about how I was just a slave. Another was a female named Kia, who would often scoff at my work, pointing out flaws in everything I did. I tried to focus on the task at hand and not let the rude behavior of Ryder and Kia get to me. It was difficult when they constantly criticized my work and tried to sabotage it. "Oops, I spilled some sauce on the tablecloth," Ryder said with a smirk as he walked past me. Kia pretended to bump into me as I carried a tray of food, causing me to spill some of it. I was furious, but I knew that if I reacted, it would only make things worse. So I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. As I started to decorate the event hall, Ryder and Kia started to make snarky comments under their breath, I tried to ignore them as best as I could. I began by hanging dark blue and black curtains around the walls, making sure they were all perfectly aligned. I then moved on to the centerpieces, using vases filled with black roses, white lilies, and a few sprigs of baby's breath. I placed these on each of the round tables that were set up around the room. The silverware and plates were set up in a way that complemented the dark colors, with black napkins carefully folded beside the plates. Once I finished the decor, I began to cook the food. I worked hard to make sure that each dish was made to perfection, and the kitchen was filled with the aroma of freshly cooked food. The roasted lamb was cooked just right, the meat tender and juicy. The buttered vegetables were crispy and flavorful and the bread was freshly baked and warm. For dessert, I made a chocolate cake that was moist and rich, with a creamy frosting that was to die for. After the cake was done, I admired my handiwork. It brought tears to my eyes, I quickly wiped them away. Thinking of how my parents would've felt if they seen my work. Would they be proud? I pondered about this, then decided that I best get back to work. As I finished the last of the dishes, I heard footsteps approaching from behind me. I turned around to see Dominic eyeing my work, nodding in approval. "You've done well," he said. "But don't think this is the end of it. The rest of the evening better go to perfection, or there will be consequences." I swallowed hard, knowing that I had to make sure everything went smoothly. I didn't want to think about what would happen if something went wrong. Luna, suddenly spoke up, "Oh Goddess how I want to rip his throat out!" I look away and chuckle at her reaction. "Dont worry, we will get our justice someday." Luna relaxes a bit, praises me, as she was proud of my work. She had been quiet for some time, ever since our capture, only speaking now and then to help me keep my spirits up, but she seemed to come alive as I worked on this task. She told me how skilled I was and how she knew that I could make it through this. As the guests arrived, I did my best to keep a low profile. I also kept an eye out for anyone who needed tending to. I look up and see Dominic enter with Isabella and not far behind them I see two unfamiliar faces, they looked to be taking in the sights of the pack. Then, enters another unrecognizable face, I stop in my tracks, his scent hits my nose and it catches the attention of my wolf Luna. I suspected he must be the Lycan King. He was tall, muscular and his features on his face prominent. He had a light scruff of beard that was kept up quite nicely. His hair was jet-black and his eyes were a piercing blue. His suit fit his frame very well and showcased his physique in a way that stirred things inside of me I have never felt before. "MATE, MATE, MATE!," Luna rejoices happily in my head, prancing around before laying happily on her back in a sultry yet submissive position. I roll my eyes a moment at her antics but feel a pull to this man. His scent smells like that of citrus and ginger, which made me want to inch closer and get an even better whiff, however, I found that I couldn't move no matter how bad I wanted to. Just as I was about to look away, he looks up at me, as if surprised by me. The expression on his face darkens. Becoming almost animalistic as if he looks ready to claim me right here and now. He breaks his gaze away from me to whisper something into one of his male attendants' ear, as he does this he side eyes me and the other male nods with a slight smirk appearing upon his face. I begin to shiver as he stares at me, it's as if he is peering into the depths of my soul. This reaction from me eggs Luna on further. "Mmmm, he is totally yummy! He knows Amara" Luna purrs in my head, my cheeks immediately turning crimson. "You are such a hussy! What's gotten into you?!" I chastised her. "Pfft, that scorching mate of ours, DUH! Seriously Amara, we should try to find a way to meet him!" Luna replies back. "NO! Absolutely not! You heard Dominic, if anything messes up tonight..." I trail off. Luna begins to pout as she speaks,"Amara I'm sorry, it's just that, our mate could possibly be our way out of this hell! Please think about it!" I sigh closing my eyes, "You have a point. Maybe we could find a way, but for now let's get to tending to these guests before Dominic or Isabella notice us just standing here." I could tell from their demeanor that they meant business. I tried my best to turn my attention away from them, and the king as I served other guests and pack members in attendance. However, it was not an easy task, I found myself gazing at him in curiosity. And his fruity scent! It was heavenly! As I was distracted thinking of my mate, I noticed I poured way too much water in the glass of a pack member. "OH MY! I...I'm so sorry! Here let me help you!" I cursed myself, knowing Dominic is near, I'm definitely in for it now. Dominic turns to see the commotion and glares as he sees the mess I accidently created. He begins to stalk over in my direction. I feel like a deer caught in headlights."OH s**t! This is it! We are done for now Luna!!!" I braced myself for what is to come knowing it wasn't good. I invsioned myself being beaten until I'm unconscious or near death. I lower my head, begging the Moon Goddess for a miracle, anything to save me from this psychotic Alpha.

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