4. Bethany Weerd-1

2030 Words

4. Bethany WeerdThat night, lying in the utter darkness, Cait closed her eyes to find Bethany, the dead witch-girl whose spirit she carried inside her. Sometimes it was difficult to find her way to that mountain lake. Sometimes she could only wander alone through an endless fog, no sign of Bethany except for a distant whisper. But sometimes the girl was easy to find, the lines of her face and body hard and clear, as if she were real and alive. It was like that tonight. Cait waited on the mossy banks while Bethany moved through the cold lake, water streaming from her hair and the plain white dress she wore, and the little ragged doll she always clutched to her. Cait was never completely sure how much Bethany knew of events outside in the real world. Or how much she understood them. Bethan

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