13. To the Centre of the City-3

1158 Words

“Who is he?” asked Fer, watching in wonder. “One of us, once,” said Catherine from beside her. “Things went badly for him and he lost his way, but he was remarkable. It's a sad story.” “And what's he doing?” “Holding back the flood. Come on, he's bought us the moments we need.” Fer turned away as seething shadows began to wind around the light that was Tom. He surely couldn't hold them back for long. She didn't wait to find out. Running beside Catherine and the Lizard King, they emerged around the curve of the Library onto another wide square, stone-flagged and lined with more high buildings on all sides. Catherine turned right and led them past one building, across a road, and then along the front of an ornate edifice, as grand as anything in Guilden. Fer thought there'd be guards on

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