12. Voices in the Dark

3951 Words

12. Voices in the Dark EnglandFer was standing in the dark of a moonless night when the attack came. She'd had trouble sleeping, pursued in her dreams by nameless, faceless horrors, forever reaching out to touch her as she fled from them. She'd left Catherine and the Lizard King snoring in the tumbledown stone hut they'd made their home for the past two weeks and stepped outside, hoping the cold night air would bring her to her senses and drive the phantoms from her mind. The world was hushed, the night moonless. She liked the feeling of the darkness enfolding her, but she worked a werelight to stop herself tripping on the rough ground. In its pearly glow a pair of white eyes shone from the night, but she knew from the slow, panicky mind behind them it was only one of the sheep that roa

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