8. The Ice Fair

2500 Words

8. The Ice FairCait found Nox by the northern wall of Guilden, scowling at the scene around him. “Come to man the barricades?” he asked. “Would it help if I did?” Nox shrugged and called to one of the men upon the wall, directing him angrily to move farther along. Nox had taken control, started organizing the defences, arranging formations. He looked stressed and exhausted. He also looked like he was enjoying himself immensely. “You found some people to order around then?” asked Cait. “A few. Not enough. Ninety percent of the people in this city are too busy enjoying themselves to care. Maybe five percent believe there's an invasion coming and are willing to stand and fight.” “What about the other five percent?” “They're the real idiots. They believe the undain are coming and they w

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