1341 Words

Amelia's POV: It's been a week. A week since a lot of things had happened. Really unpleasant things that I never for once thought neither did I imagine would be my fate. Is this really fate or just a phase I have to overcome? I had a complication with my baby. I have no idea what had happened, all I remember was waking up with Richard and the healer by my side. Thankfully, nothing bad happened. My baby is okay. I just know he is. And just yesterday, my thoughts began taking a toll on me. Richard that goddamn asshole, that monster! That is what he is nothing else but an evil, sinister dog that has done nothing but hurt me. But... "Miss, your bath is ready." Emma's voice brought me out of my thoughts. I turned to look at her. She avoided my eyes, and for good reason too. I still hadn't

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