1053 Words

Damian's POV: "An heir?" Isabella asked, her brows furrowed. "You mean like have a kid and stuff?" The water rippled as she moved her arms. As much as I tried not to, I kept getting flashbacks of the previous night. "It's not now. Doesn't have to be." I replied. This was already a bad idea. I shouldn't have told her. But at the same time, I wanted her to be aware. The way my father sounded, like he would make it happen himself. Isabella nodded. "Not only are they doubting your ability as an alpha, now they're doubting your child making abilities?" She chuckled, covering her mouth as she did. "I don't know why I even told you " "Damian, it's fine." She leaned into the water, her eyes burning into mine. "They want kids, let's give it to them. Right now, even." "No." I said before I

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