1036 Words

Damian's POV: "What I am trying to say is, this isn't a set back for us" "Not a setback?! Alpha Damian, your men were slaughtered in cold blood, how is it not a set back?!" I rubbed my temples. Honestly these people were so annoying. All they did was sit back and do nothing until something worth their time happened. "Are you even worthy of ruling this pack?" One of the elders, Rasmus, asked. I raised my head and stared at him. "Excuse me?" "I can't see how you didn't prepare for this." Rasmus said. "Are you capable of ruling this pack, or should we replace you?" I glared at them. "You have to be kidding me. Replace me?!" "He has a point." My father said. I turned my glare to him. "You've always been looking for a way to remove me from here, father." I said through clenched teeth.

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