1578 Words

Camila's POV: My heart raced wildly in my chest. At the back of my mind I knew I shouldn't be doing this. I knew I should have told Mark first. He and I are mated now, and it's different than when I was just a girl he was taking care of. I should have told him. But I didn't. And my heart is judging me for it. But this is just necessary. I have to do this. At all costs. It's very clear that alpha Richard knows something that I clearly don't know. It sucks. Having a stranger know more about me than I knew about myself. I left the cabin, my steps apprehensive. From the last time, I could recall the path to the pack house. It wasn't a far distance, but it wasn't close either. I set out an hour or so after Mark had left. Now being a member of the pack, there was no one to throw stones

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