1067 Words

Damian's POV. "Isa, please open up." I'm a terrible lover. "Go away!" Isabella's cried from inside. "You told me to leave you alone and I'm doing just that!" I sighed, rubbing my temples. "I didn't mean it, okay? Can we not fight about this?" She didn't reply, but I heard her sniffling. All I really wanted was a few hours away from the bustling activities of the pack house. I just needed a break, a ride on my favorite horse and for once not thinking about anything else. I hadn't meant to hurt Isabella. The sight of tears running down her face hurt me in ways I couldn't imagine. I knocked again, harder this time. Splinters of wood embedded into my palm, but I hardly felt the pain. "Isa," "Leave me alone!" She called out. "Just go away and leave me alone! I don't want anything

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