Chapter 7.

1455 Words
“Xia, my love, it’s just not possible!” Alarick tried in vain to comfort his mate and convince her of the impossibility of what she had just told him. “Alarick, please believe me, I say this not to hurt you! I only beg that you treat Fen with caution,” she pleaded. “There is a darkness in his heart. A virus that threatens to spread to the rest of the pack if he is not contained.” Alarick would not believe his ears. “Fen is closer to me than my own flesh and blood. I trust him as I trust no other!” “Even me?” Xia asked quietly, hurt at the implication of her mate’s words. Alarick paused, closing his eyes on an oath. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust his mate, per se. He could feel her emotions swirling around him, her love for him, her concern, and knew that she spoke the truth as she saw it. But he had to admit that Fen was correct in that a witch would always have her own agenda. Too much like the Goddess herself, witches kept their secrets, even from those they loved. It was no secret his mate and Beta did not see eye to eye, and he was beginning to tire of being placed in the middle of their battle. “Of course, I trust you, my dear,” he sighed at last, wrapping her in his strong arms. He shoved aside the suggestion Fen had made earlier that day that Xia had bewitched him, spelled him into believing she was his mate. He felt too deeply for his woman to believe it to be true. But he could not deny that the world was in peril because of a witch. A witch, who, according to Fen’s information, was a direct ancestor of the woman he currently held. Xia sighed sadly into her mate’s chest. His hesitation spoke more of his true feelings and the turmoil in his heart than the words he attempted to sooth her with. She had resisted the urge to place Fen under a spell to this point, but if her Alpha mate refused to take action against the wolf who seemed determined to destroy their pack, then so be it. She would need to work in secret and use the utmost caution. If she were caught, it would mean certain death. Luna to Black Moon Pack or not. Gazing into his soulful eyes, Xia pushed aside her morose thoughts and allowed the heat that always seemed to fill her whenever Alarick was near to spread through her body. She could see his eyes darken with desire as the scent of her arousal wafted over him, making him forget any lingering doubt that she could be holding back from him. He licked his lips as though he could already taste her there, grinning wickedly as a shiver ran down her spine. Lowering his mouth to hers, he whispered deviant promises, his lips softly brushing against hers, teasing her until she writhed against him. Her br**st was heaving against his chest with even the most innocent of touches. “Alarick,” she breathed his name as though it was his presence that gave her life. Giving in to the temptation to taste her, he snaked his tongue along her bottom lip, making her open up to him on a sigh. He dipped his tongue deep into her mouth, groaning as she gently sucked him. Her hand rubbed his length through the soft velvet of his trousers, making him ache to feel her naked beneath him. Slowly, holding her gaze, he pulled the ribbon of her dress’ stays. The material loosened and parted, revealing her milky, white br**sts. Alarick shoved the material aside further, taking one pebbled pink n***le in his mouth and sucking it roughly as she arched into him, her hands gripping his shoulders for balance. Her scent made him dizzy, he was intoxicated with her. Ignoring the sound of ripping fabric, he tore her dress away, marveling in his mate’s ample curves. He needed her screaming his name. He needed to feel her as desperate for him as he was for her. Picking her up lightly, he crossed to their bed in several long strides, dropping her on the soft, billowy mattress while she tossed her long raven hair over her shoulder and laughed at his impetuousness. He growled at her, a roguish smile playing on his lips as he forced her knees apart and knelt between them. She watched him with hooded eyes, closing them on a deep moan when his finger dragged through her moist folds, her laughter seemed a distant memory. His e******n throbbed painfully, but he refused to give in until she was twisting with a burning desire that could only be quenched by him. Replacing his finger with his tongue, he sampled her wetness. She tasted like spring, fresh and with the promise of so much to come. He circled the bundle of nerves he knew would undo her before he was finished having his fill of her. Her hips strained against his mouth and he inserted the finger he had teased her with, deep into her hot core, finally licking her pearl of pleasure. “Alarick!” she gasped, breathless and needy. Her fingers fisted in his hair, unsure if she wanted to drag him up so he could bury his manhood in her, or to push him down so his mouth would continue to torture her with the indescribable pleasure he was giving her. When he slipped a second finger inside her and began to pump in and out of her slowly, she held his head where it was. His hum of approval vibrated through her and she moaned again. He knew she was close. He held her on the razor’s edge of her c****x, refusing to give her the thing he knew would send her careening until he felt her insides tighten around his fingers. Finally, he sucked her nub gently and she screamed his name as ecstasy slammed into her, tearing her apart and putting her back together as her mind tumbled in a haze. The mattress shifted as his weight left the bed and she opened her eyes, a fleeting panic that he was done laid to rest as she watched as he removed his clothes quickly. She reached for him when he knelt once again between her legs. “Tell me what you want,” he whispered, his voice a husky growl. “You, my love. I want you, Alarick!” she panted the words, her hips moving of their own accord desperate for him to fill her, to feel the sensation of stretching to her limit with him buried deep inside her pleasure tunnel. He captured her wrists in one of his huge hands and pinned them above her head on the bed, his free hand palmed her br**st roughly, almost painfully, pinching her n***le without mercy as she cried out. “This? Is this what you want?” His lips crashed to hers in a passionate kiss. She could taste herself on him and the mixture of their scents and flavors enticed her even more. “Yes! Alarick, yes!” she screamed as he slammed inside her with one swift movement. Pumping in and out of her harder and faster, never relinquishing his firm hold on her wrists, while she screamed his name. She clenched around him, her cries turning to ragged sobs even as her hips lifted to meet him. Feeling her or**sm around him, he at last let go of her wrists and found his own release, spilling his seed deep inside her before collapsing, exhausted next to her on the bed. He wrapped an arm around her waist and dragged her onto his chest. Their hearts were beating erratically, breaths coming in quick, panting gasps. He placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head with a loving smile. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he asked in a sleepy voice. She raised her head and smiled at him. “No, my love. Never.” They curled together, and she listened as his breathing slowed back to normal, and then more as he fell into a peaceful sleep. The lunar eclipse would be in less than one month’s time. There wasn’t much time to prepare. The perfect opportunity to put a binding spell on Fen to stop him from bringing harm to her pack and her mate. “Please forgive me for what I must do,” she whispered to her sleeping mate. “Please know I do this out of love.”
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