Chapter 5. Jarek

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I wake up in the late morning feeling better than I had in nearly four days, since I’d held her on her front porch. The headache that has been pounding behind my eyes has finally dissipated to a dull but manageable pain. Less manageable is the throbbing ache in my groin. I do my best to ignore it. Every effort to relieve the pressure since finding Ryeka has just made the frustrating need worse. If I don’t find a way to show her who I am and who she is to me, I’m going to lose my mind. Last night I had been pacing, snapping at anyone who dared talk to me. Finally, just after midnight, I gave up on sleep. I decided to shift and prowl around town looking for clues as to who could be trying to undermine the pack. When I saw her sitting by the river, I couldn’t contain my shock, nor my excitement, even though I knew it would be a mistake to approach her in my wolf form, knowing the sight would terrify her. To my utter surprise, her eyes found me easily, as though she had known I was there. Even more surprising was she seemed completely at ease with my presence. A splash drew her attention back to the river, and I took the opportunity to disappear. Except I was so drawn to her, I couldn’t bring myself to leave. The moonlight shone on her, making her hair seem to glow like the Goddess herself. I held my breath watching her furiously scribbling in the notebook she held on her lap. The mating bond worked to bring two people together who were compatible, but it didn’t always lead to love. Respect, trust, even affection were part of the bond, but it wasn’t uncommon that love, that deep, world altering emotion, would be missing. Watching her in the moonlight, her bare feet trailing in the water, I felt a tug on my heart as I let myself imagine what our life together could be. "If you’re going to sit back there and distract me, you might as well come sit next to me,” she called out without turning from the river. To say I was surprised would be an understatement, but I slowly approached, careful not to make any sudden moves and startle her. She may have been speaking to me, but I still couldn't force myself to believe she knew what she was doing. Thinking back to the book she had written, I was once again struck by how many details she got right that she shouldn’t have known. Chase had done all the research and swore there was nothing to suggest she was connected to any pack, but he hadn’t realized she was witch either. Not that it was too unusual for a witch to go undetected. They kept their secrets even closer than we did. I sat next to her on the little landing next to the gently moving water and c****d my head at her in question as she slid her eyes up to my face. “Yes, I knew you were there.” Surely it was coincidence that she answered my unspoken question. I c****d my head to the other side. “No, I don’t know how. And before you ask, no, I don’t know how I can speak wolf now,” she seemed to be amused at the entire situation. Communication in wolf form is somewhat limited. I can give directions, alerts, even express general emotions. I can’t express complex thoughts, though. I wasn’t sure how she had correctly interpreted my sign of being confused for the exact questions that were running through my mind. Humor danced in her eyes as a deviant grin spread across her face. “So, are you going to kiss me in this form, too?” I grinned. My incredible mate was full of surprises! Not only was she not afraid, she recognized me! I wasn’t sure how that was possible, but it felt like a miracle I would be foolish to ignore or question overly much. I lowered my nose to gently rub along her cheek before running my tongue over the sensitive flesh of the marking spot, savoring her delighted shiver in response. Her laughter was musical. “I’ve always been quite fond of doggy style, but I think this may be taking it too far.” I snorted in amusement. She was funny, too. Wanting to be close to her, I curled up around her, resting my head in her lap and enjoyed the sensation of her hands caressing my fur while we shared the quiet night. This was what life was meant for. I dozed, content for the moment just to have her close. “I should go crawl back into my bed before I think I’m not dreaming this,” her sleepy voice roused me. Dreaming? She thought this was a dream. Of course, that’s why she wasn’t afraid. I couldn’t hide my disappointment. I wanted to tell her it was no dream, that I was here and real. And although she still thought my existence was purely fictional, I knew her world was about to change and expand in ways I hoped she would be open to. Letting out a sigh, promising myself I would win her over, I got to my feet and lowered my head to help her up. Who says chivalry is dead? Her eyes went a little wide as she faced me and the realization of just how much bigger I am than a natural wolf hit her. But she didn’t say anything as we walked to her car. Before she climbed in, she wrapped her arms around me and held me tightly. I nuzzled into her, breathing in her scent. The elation hasn’t burned out of my system all morning, even though I’ve been stuck doing the most tedious of jobs- paperwork. At the knock on my door, I give whoever it is permission to enter not looking up from the spreadsheet in front of me. A young human enters, and I struggle to remember his name, wishing for a moment that I hadn’t given my secretary the day off. The major income for the pack is cattle and that can get a little tricky. They’re natural prey and can spook easily when surrounded by the scent of a pack of wolves, even when we’re in human form. To combat the issue, we have several trusted humans on staff. They only get hired if they’re recommended by someone already working for us, and have to go through rigorous background checks. It can still take them some time to come to terms with the true nature of their employers, though. The kid in front of me looks ready to pass out or bolt. “Ex-excuse m-me, sir,” he stutters out. “I-I-I was se-sent to f-find you.” Calmly, I smile at him which makes him blanch so pale I’m truly afraid he might collapse in my doorway. “You found me,” I try for a happy tone of voice, but it still comes out sounding a bit too much like a growl. The kid squeaks a little. “It’s ok, son, I won’t bite. Promise.” He quickly takes his hat off like he’s only just remembered he was wearing it and clutches it in his hands, his knuckles turning white from the tension. “Som-som-somebody l-left a g-g-gate o-open,” he mutters. S**t. “The cattle got out?” He nods in response. “Have they rounded them all up again?” “N-n-not all,” he shakes his head. I sigh, and grab my phone off the charger. “Which field?” I ask with a resigned sigh. “S-s-south, sir. Wa-Walter’s Creek.” I grin which makes him flinch again, but I can’t believe my luck. It’s the perfect excuse to go by Ryeka’s house again. Maybe even bring up last night with her and try to explain some of what’s going on. “Let Mitch know I’m on my way,” I tell the kid before shooting a text to Chase. Mitch is a human that’s worked with the pack the longest and acts as a sort of supervisor and buffer usually between pack members and the newbies. I assume he’s busy trying to wrangle cattle and ranch hands if he sent the kid in to tell me the bad news. I practically skip to my truck I’m so excited at the prospect of seeing Ryeka again, the issue of cattle escaping can’t touch my good mood. The scene plays out before me as I pull into her driveway. I’m vaguely aware of the three steers in her front yard, as she fills my vision. She’s wearing a light blue summer dress the color of the sky. The thin material flutters around her knees as she stands staring at the animals in her yard. Her hair ruffles around her shoulders and I see the thin straps of her dress nearly leave them bare. One foot, hugged by a strappy sandal that makes me think of some fabled Greek warrior goddess, taps impatiently. She turns to look at me as I unfold from my truck, one eyebrow arching in question. “Just who I’m looking for,” I smile at her, relieved that even if her response is cool, at least she doesn’t seem to see me as a threat the way the young ranch hand did. She continues to stare at me with that one raised eyebrow until I’m the one that feels like squirming. “The cattle,” I mumble lamely. “These are yours?” she asks imperatively. I nod. “Well, your cows are eating my roses.” I glance over at the steers, and sure enough, they are munching away happily on several rose bushes that line her front porch. I cringe. “Sorry, I’ll replace them,” I say in a sheepish voice. She rolls her eyes. “Don’t worry, they’ll grow back.” “I think you underestimate how destructive cattle can be.” Her eyes flash for a moment. “I think you underestimate how persuasive I can be. Seriously, guys, enough with the roses!” she calls out suddenly. “Eat the grass, for f**k’s sake.” I laugh, about to tell her she’d have an easier time convincing ducks to ride a unicycle, when I notice all three steers roll their eyes towards her slightly, but turn away from the bushes and start grazing the grass. My jaw goes slack. I try to recover when I notice she’s studying me again. “You’re not taking them in your truck, are you?” she asks dubiously. I shake my head, “No, I’ll tell the hands where they are and they’ll bring a trailer.” The question makes me look around, however, and I notice that the only gate into the yard is so narrow it would be a squeeze for me, let alone an 800 pound steer. “How’d they get in there anyway?” She shrugs, casually flicking her hair over her shoulder. “I was on my way back from the farmer’s market and they were in the road. I was afraid they’d get hit by a car.” I’m not entirely sure what she’s saying because it doesn’t make any sense. “The road? The main road? That’s half a mile from here!” She blinks at me. “Yeah, well… I asked them to follow me so they’d stay safe.” “You asked them?” It strikes me that although I could tell she’s a witch, I don’t really know what that means in the grand scheme of things. I don’t really know very much about her at all. Normally, when wolves find their mate, it doesn’t matter if they don’t know each other at all, they go at it like… well, like two wolves who’ve just found their mate. I’m not even sure rabbits have anything on us. Getting to know each other comes later. But with Ryeka… “Yeah,” she shrugs again. “And I suppose you asked them to squeeze through that tiny gate, too?” it would be funny if I didn’t completely believe her. “Yeah, although that didn’t take much convincing. They like being squeezed.” My jaw goes slack again, and I have to touch her to prove to myself that she’s real. Even something innocuous, though I’m hoping against hope she’ll let me kiss her again. She turns to face me as I slowly approach, trying not to look like the predator I am. As she tucks her hair behind her ear, the sun glints off her earring, making me pause for the briefest moment. Touching my mate takes precedence over pain right now, however. I reach out and cup her cheek, her earring sliding across the back of my hand and I brace myself for the pain that doesn’t come. “Your earrings,” I mutter, “they’re not silver.” She’s staring at me with wide eyes, her lips slightly parted. “No, surgical stainless steel. I’m allergic to silver,” her voice is breathless. I smile down at her. “So am I,” I whisper as I lower my mouth to hers. I hadn’t planned to kiss her. I’d only wanted to be close to her. As soon as my lips meet hers, though, we ignite. Before I know it, I have her pressed against one of the cedar poles holding the roof of her porch up, her hands are tangled in my hair, mine greedily exploring her body. She fills my senses until I feel like I could happily lose myself in her. My hand slides up her smooth thigh, under the skirt of her dress, and I feel the lace of her thong is wet and warm and inviting. She moans against me, her hips grinding into my hand. Someone clears their throat behind me, loud enough to reach me through my lust filled haze. “Busy,” I growl out. “I can see that,” Chase’s tone is almost amused. “But we have a situation here, boss.” I pull back enough to see Ryeka’s green eyes are dark, almost black as she blinks up at me. It takes a minute to hear the commotion over the steady thumping of my heart. I turn my head and realize the three steers are close to panic. They had been ok when I had been calmly talking to Ryeka, but the wind must have shifted and now they had the full scent of two wolves- one dangerously close to losing control. I look back down at the woman in my arms regretting that I’m going to need to let go of her, but her eyes are now fixated on my Beta, a faint green glow intensifying her stare. I follow her gaze to Chase who shifts his weight from one foot to the other nervously, one hand rubbing the back of his neck in a self-conscious gesture. “Umm… Ryeka, this is my Beta, Chase.” She doesn’t acknowledge that I’ve spoken, just continues to stare at him as though in a trance. One of the steers headbutts another and the offended animal makes a sound of distress. It’s enough to snap Ryeka out of her trance-like state. She shoves me hard, and makes for the gate. “Go. I’ll calm them down until you send someone, but you two should go,” her voice is calm, almost business like. Chase seems only too happy to get in his truck and escape. I stand for a moment in shock, before realizing she’s about to go into a yard with nearly three thousand pounds of panicked animals. “Ryeka! Wait!” But it’s too late. She’s already approached the steers and they’re… nuzzling her? “Go, Jarek. They’ll be ok,” she waves to me before turning her attention back to the love sick steers and cooing at them. I get into my truck, and drive away, wondering what the hell just happened. Chase is calling me and, in a daze, I push the button on the steering wheel to pick up the call. “You said she was a witch not one of the Goddess’ chosen ones!” His voice is pitchy and it sounds like he’s panicking. “What are you talking about?” “Jarek, what the hell? She can talk to animals?” “I don’t think it’s like Dr. Doolittle,” I don’t really know what it’s like, though. I remember how she seemed to understand me so easily last night. I thought it was a mate bond thing, but now I’m not so sure. “This is a bad idea man. Witches bring all sorts of bad juju. You should reject her now before this gets out of control.” “I am not rejecting my mate,” I growl. “She’s a witch, brother!” he insists. I take a deep breath. I’m so angry I’m starting to see red. I’m glad he’s not standing in front of me because I’d probably rip his head off right now if he were. “It’s out of the question,” I grit out before cutting the call. A few miles later, I’ve relaxed enough to release my death grip on my steering wheel that now has several dents where my fingers rest.
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