Fitz felt like he"d only just managed to fall asleep before his roommate Stucki was shaking him awake again. The room was almost completely dark, and all he could see was the outline of Stucki"s head beside his bunk. He had a vague sense that Stucki had a finger pressed to his lips. Like Fitz was going to open his eyes and immediately start shouting or something. Great. He was waking up grumpy. Well, only an hour or two of sleep would do that to anyone. Still, it was getting exhausting, always being in a bad mood. His head ached from it. Fitz rolled soundlessly out of his top bunk and dressed in the dark. Which took forever. Their alpine tactical uniforms had many layers, each with far too many closures to fumble with in the low light. Then, over all of it, he had to strap his safety har