Chapter 16

4439 Words

I felt nothing, and then I felt everything. Hollowed of life, or perhaps drained of my blood, I was stiff as Zacharias’ teeth seemed to sink deeper and deeper into my neck until they were scraping against bone. I had never felt anything like this before. The pain was unmeasurable and indecisive. I couldn’t tell if it was agonizing or not. Or maybe I was too shocked to register the pain. My eyes were wide as my mouth slowly opened, as if preparing to grow fangs and finish my transformation into a new-blood. The rain angrily pounded against the window, doing the very things my hands couldn’t, but ached, to do. I wanted to scream. A bellow bubbled in my throat and dissipated just as quickly. My fingers clenched, jagged ends of my nails digging into the palm of my hand as I weakly resisted,

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