1317 Words

OLIVIA. “Olivia, I told you everything about Cindy but you still don't believe me?" Amos bursts at me immediately we get to his office. He is dressed sharply as usual and today he is in a nicely cut charcoal gray suit and sparkling black shoes. His cream shirt has golden cufflinks to complete the picture of an executive. He is stunningly handsome and I now know why it is difficult for Cindy to let go. “Amos, I don't want to talk about this. I don't want to remember that scene in that hotel. It was a nightmare." I reply in a low tone. He digests my words for a moment then walks behind his desk and sits down. “Well, I admit that I should have told you about Cindy. But I thought she would never resurface again. It was over and she was already engaged to someone else. Why she chose to spoil

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