Are you in pain...? ...I'm okay. Who are you? You shouldn't be alone like that. I'm not alone! And you don't look okay. You look hurt. ...Is that blood? Don't look, you're too young! I'm not young, I'm 8-years old! You're still a kid. I'm not a kid! *** My head hurts… Something cold, heavy, and painful is lacerating my wrists. I feel heavy myself, almost numb. Where am I? It’s so dark… Somethings reeks, too. What happened to me? I feel so weird. Like I’m… drugged. I can’t see a thing, but the room is cold, and my instincts tell me I’m underground… Is this a basement? There doesn’t seem to be any window or any air circulating. It’s a small room, too… I can’t hear a thing. No wait, something’s dripping… Probably water. A tunnel, then? I’m so cold. I