Chapter 4 - A Bright New Day

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    I blinked at the unusually bright lights.     "What the hell happened to my curtains?!" I snarled to the world in general.     Jason answered, "They are in the bedroom, I think. The living room just has sheers.  Do you take cream and sugar in your coffee?"     "Five more minutes." I heard him wind up the mechanical kitchen timer.  I just started to doze off again when it dinged.     "I hope you don't mind that I showered."     "No. Make yourself at home." I smiled a little lopsided at him.     "You don't look sure."     "I never had a man stay the night before.  I don't know how to act."     "Never?"     "Never."     "Then I am honored." He blushed a little, "so if you never had a man stay the night, does that mean, uh, that you are, uhmm ... Have you ever ... Jeeze ... Are you ..."     I took pity on him and interrupted, "A virgin?" He nodded. "No. Joey Ricci took care of that in high school.     He let out a breath, "Thank heavens.  I couldn't do that to you."     "Do what?"     "Take your innocence. I am asking for your whole future."     "Seriously? What is it with men and their obsession with virgins? The hymen is a piece of skin - membrane, really -  and nothing more."     "Whoa! That's so not me! Stop! Wait ... Breathe.     "How about I fix us breakfast?" he deftly changed the subject. "I can do eggs Benedict on toast. Sound good?"     I looked at him.  He looked as nervous as I felt. "Okay. I am going to the bathroom."     "Perfect."     I washed my face and brushed my teeth.  I had bags under my eyes big enough to pack in. I will have to use my frozen spoons to shrink those to a manageable size.  I applied deodorant and cologne; brushed my hair and pulled it into a ponytail. Another look in the mirror, I look almost human.     I crossed into my bedroom to get dressed. October in Colorado is on the sketchy side as far a weather goes.  It looks warm today, so a T-shirt and jeans will do, with a hoodie if I go outside.  Finally ready to freeze my bags, I step into the living room.     Two cups of coffee are on the coffee table and amazing smells waft from the kitchen.     "Do you like your ham fried or just heated?" Jason's voice came from the kitchen.     "Jesus!" I jumped, having forgotten he was here. "Fried is great."     "Okay. About to make some noise for the Hollandaise Sauce.     I heard sizzles followed by my extraordinarily loud blender.  When that noise stopped, I heard the toaster pop and some scraping sounds.     "Um, do you have paprika?"     "I think so. I made some deviled eggs this summer ... Oh, no. I got dill instead, so no on the paprika."     "Okay. I'll skip the garnish."     He walked out of the kitchen carrying two plates. He was only wearing boxers and a grin. Yep. definitely good looking. Amazing shoulders and a broad chest with a perfect amount of hair. I couldn't stop thinking about what it would be like to run my fingers through his chest hair, fluffing it up as I reached his ...     I forced myself to look at the plates. Look at that amazing food! One slice of whole wheat toast, a slice of ham, two perfectly poached eggs covered in a perfect golden sauce. Great day in the morning! A perfect body and he can cook ...     "Yummy!" I mumbled around my mouthful of food. "Is breakfast your specialty?"     "Do you really want to know?"     "Yes."     "This is the only thing I can make.  Well, grilled cheese, too."     "You are amazing. The eggs are perfect, the sauce is creamy ... I am in food heaven."     I looked at him. He was staring at me, his eyes slightly dilated. Are you okay?" I asked.     "Yes." He kept staring.     "Is there something on my face?"     "No."     His phone rang. He jumped, looked at the screen, leaned back into the couch, took a deep breath, swiped his screen and put the phone to his ear.  "Hello."     I could hear a deep voice on the other end, but couldn't make out the words, So I went back to demolishing my breakfast. Each bite was better than the last and yummy noises keept escaping as I chewed.     "I understand that," Jason said into the phone, rather annoyed. More other end talking. "What do you mean, moved up? ... No! He can take his five million and set it on fire, then." Jason was getting louder. "I will not ... The terms of ... He can stick his trust where the sun don't shine." Very loud yelling at this point.  "Look, I didn't know about him of it until five weeks ago, so he and his fortune don't matter." He voice lowered during that statement, but sounded completely dangerous. "He can just back out of my life, then. I refuse to marry Scaila Daimos." He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Just tell him no, then ... He can keep his money ... Yes, I found someone else ... She is perfect - she even fits the codicil ... Yes ... No ... Absolutely not! He can ... Just tell ... Look, if you aren't going to do what I say, you are fired! ... Thank you." Jason hung up the phone. He looked at me, "I hate lawyers."     "What was that about? I asked.     "My so-called father deemed the wedding had to be on the winter solstice instead of the vernal equinox.  You prob ably heard my opinion on that. The attorney claims that the bond is better for the bride." He twirled his right index finger around his right temple in the classic symbol for "crazy."     "Bond?"     "Yeah, some kind of of power-mesh thing with a horoscope. I tuned out because it was nonsense."     "I don't know.  If it is an individual horoscope it might be important."     "Really?" He looked dumbfounded, "You want me to mesh with a force of evil in the world?"     "When you put it so bluntly, no."     "Okay, then ..." He rubbed his palms nervously against his thighs.     "So, what's on your mind?" I asked him.  "It will be easier today. I made it through the night unharmed, so I won't freak out today." I smiled at him.     "I am still nervous.  Well, here goes: Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?     "Like here? I need to go grocery shopping ..."     "No. Not like that. Like a date. Nice place, chatting and maybe a walk after?"     "Oh. Okay. Sounds nice." My inner school girl did a happy dance.     "What kind of food do you like?"     "Pub fare."     "Seriously, greasy burgers and fries?"     I nodded, "My favorite."     "You are my soul-mate."     I blinked. Just because of burger-love?"     "Is there more to life?" He grinned.     "No. There really isn't."     We did the dishes, and he left to do his Saturday things.     At 5:00 pm, I get ready.  Long, steamy shower with a double-check shave. Careful, full-face make up, fun undies (just in  case). I blew out my hair and styled it into loose rolling curls with glitter spray on top; anything to make my boring hair prettier.     Now, the dress. I shifted through the closet for for something dressy enough for a date, yet casual enough for a bar.  I tried on four possibilities before settling on a v-neck, ribbed, apricot sweater dress. I liked the way my curves looked in this one. Hopefully, Jason would, too.     I looked at the clock, 7:00 pm. He's due any minute. I put on my last layer of gloss for that kissable shine, tossed my ID, lipgloss and Mad money in my clutch.  My grandma taught me about Mad Money - "Always have enough for your meal and a cab when you go out.  If he does something wrong, you still get home safe." So far, I haven't needed to use it, but you never know.     There was a knock at the door. I opened it with a smile.     Jason had a bouquet of flowers and a small box of chocolates.     "Hi." He smiled at me.     "Come in. Let me get these in water."     He walked to the couch and sat down. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a giant plastic cup, pet glass stones for weight, and water. I put the very pretty Stargazer lilies in the cup, walked with them into the living room, and set them on the table. Jason stood up as I came in and kept his eyes on me.     "You look beautiful."     "Thank you."     "Are you ready to go? I don't want to be late for our reservation, but I would love to ... um ..."     "Sure, let's go," I stepped in since he blushed a furious red. I smiled, knowing that the time getting ready worked.     We got to the Brew Pub and were taken to a nice window table overlooking the the garden area. The hostess took our drink orders, and assured us our waiter would be out with the menus shortly.     "How long have you been in Colorado?" I asked a basic ice-breaker. The first few minutes of a date always seem awkward to me.     "All my life. My mom is a welder and works for Mountain States Drilling."     "Wow. That isn't a common job for a woman. She must be really good.     Just then, Frank, the tall hottie that took Ann home, came up to the table.     "I am sorry to interrupt, but I got a call from my mother about you, Jason." He said, not looking at all sorry. "She told me to find you and give you a message."     "So what does your mother want to say?" Jason asked, politely.     Suddenly Frank looked upset. "She got the message that you weren't following through on the ddeal. She said you had a nice life and remind you that accidents happen.     "That's really weird. Why would she say that?" Jason asked.     "Dude, she sounded all pissed off. I don't know what crawled up her ass and died, but it sounded like a threat to me."     "A threat? why?"     "I think she's pissed because of the safe passage agreement.  She called to let me know that your dad called her about your refusal of his mandate.  I said it was inconvenient, but that my dad would send me out on fall break to renegotiate.  She said not to bother, that there were no other options with the terrorists. I told her I could marry Scaila instead. She snorted at me!  Like it was a stupid idea. Like I'm not good enough!"     "Um Frank?" I asked hesitantly, "Why would you want to marry a terrorist leader?"     "For the business, obviously. Why else would I get married." He shook his head, derisively.     I filed that away for a future discussion with Ann. She has had enough of jerks.     He continued, "Anyway, my mom said I was an unsuitable suitor because our moons were misaligned and it had to be you. " He shook his head.  "She then launched into what a perfect match you were for Scaila," he waved his hands in the air like he was very annoyed. "Because of the day and time you were born. Like you are special.     I am really starting to detest this guy.     "So, because you are an irreplaceable, perfect match, my mom goes on about how the increasing instability in the area messed up her power sources and disrupted her communications.  I might actually care if she had been involved BEFORE, I got on the board with Dad's company. She really is power hungry."     "Okay." Jason said. "She is upset that I am not marrying that dangerous woman. That I never met. That she doesn't want you to marry. So?"     "So she said she was losing more than one deal with your," he made air quotes, "betrayal." She then told me to tell you that accidents happen and that she is really unhappy with you."     "Dude, " Jason said, "your mom and my dad deserve each other. THEY should get married.     "She told me there are rules against that."     "Your mom is weird."     "Tell me something I don't know."     "Okay. I will let you have your date. I saw you through the window and did my duty."     Jason stood up and shook Frank's hand. "Good night, Frank."     Frank stepped back, and gave a two finger salute, "Goodnight Jason, Cutie." He turned and walked out the door.     I stared after him.     "He's a character," Jason said.     "Not the word I would use.  I'll be warning Ann about him. She doesn't need her heart broken again by another cold asshole."     "Wow. He's not that bad."     He is. But let's talk about something else. Based on what happened today, you no longer need my help. So why the date?"     "I don't need your help.  I want your company."     "That is sweet and cheesy."     "It is also true.  When I touched your picture, I knew you were special, and ... LOOK OUT!" He pushed my shoulders sideways just as a tray of food came flying toward me. I hit the floor with a painful thud as food and tableware showered on top of me.     "Are you okay?!" Jason's panicked voice came to me.     "I hurt."     "Where?"     "My hip and arm." I tried to sit up.     "No!" Jason yelled. "I still feel something in the air. Stay down!     I stayed on the ground, but checked myself.  All my body parts were working.  I scooted under the the table and sat cross-legged. When I looked to the mess, there was a steak knife plunged in the back of my chair just to the left of center on the top crossbar. Heart level.
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