Chapter 1

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It was a lively night at the club, friends Bryan and Logan were sitting at the bar chatting animatedly, when Bryan brought up the subject of his wedding, which was scheduled for next month. Logan was excited and asked how the preparations were going, but noticed that Bryan looked a little down. He asked if everything was all right, and Bryan gave him a worried look. — I don't know, Logan, I'm beginning to think that my fiancée's father is trying to trick me. — said Bryan. Logan was surprised and asked what he meant by that. Bryan told him that he had a bad feeling, he trusted his instincts. Bryan didn't trust his fiancée's father, even though the marriage was by contract, which would generate benefits for both of them, he knew he had to be smart, he couldn't trust anyone, he had to keep his guard up. — My fiancée's father can't be trusted, he was accused of trying to cheat some companies a few years ago, of course he was cleared, but that's enough for me not to trust him completely. Apart from the fact that he's starting to act strangely, Anton, my fiancée Emma's father, came to talk to me about getting married early. He even suggested that I get married in two weeks' time, and when I told him I wasn't going to do that, he got an annoyed look on his face and then left without saying anything. I need to be careful with this guy. Logan frowned as he listened to the story. He tried to shed some light on the matter and asked if there was any possibility that it was just a misunderstanding, but of course, he told his friend not to let his guard down. — Of course, misunderstandings can happen, he could be having some personal problems. — said Bryan. — But I think it's more than that. He's been evasive when I ask him why he wants to speed up the wedding, he always comes up with some excuse or says he just wants to see his daughter married. He doesn't strike me as the kind of father who wants his daughter to get married, unless he's going to get something out of it, he's greedy, he only thinks of himself. Logan agreed that this sounded suspicious, but argued that perhaps Bryan was just suffering from pre-wedding anxiety. — Maybe you're looking for problems where there aren't any — he said. — It can be hard to trust others when you're responsible for a large sum of money, but maybe it's better to try to let go of that mistrust. Bryan seemed relieved to talk about his fears with Logan. He thanked his friend and decided to take his advice and try not to worry so much. — You're right, maybe I am being paranoid. — he said. — I'll try not to worry so much, and if something's wrong, I'll find out in time. Logan smiled and lifted his drink. — That's it, buddy. Let's drink to the success of your marriage, and to the benefits you've seen from it, and that everything goes according to plan. — he said. The two friends then toasted and enjoyed themselves for the rest of the night in the club, putting their worries aside and enjoying each other's company. . . . It was dawn when Bryan drove his car down the deserted road, returning home after leaving the nightclub where he and his friend Logan had been drinking too much. He was so drunk that he could barely keep his eyes open. He stumbled over his words as he tried to sing a song on the radio, barely noticing that the road was starting to wind. Suddenly, Bryan's car veered into the opposite lane and crashed violently into another vehicle coming in the opposite direction. The impact was so strong that Bryan's car's tires flew off, and the vehicle began to overturn several times until it finally came to a stop upside down on the side of the road. The sound of the collision reverberated through the surroundings, and the driver of the other car got out of the vehicle, still dazed by the accident. He approached Bryan's car, which had been completely destroyed, and realized that the driver was unconscious. His eyes were closed, and his body was restrained by his seat belt. The driver of the other car immediately called the emergency services and within minutes, a team of paramedics arrived on the scene. They managed to get Bryan out of the car and immediately took him to the nearest hospital. Fortunately, Bryan survived the accident, but he was seriously injured and had to undergo several operations. His situation was complicated, he had to have surgery on his spine, perhaps this would have some consequences, perhaps he could become paraplegic, were one of the consequences. But he also fell into a coma, hit his head, and had to undergo several X-rays to check that the blows hadn't caused any problems. Fortunately, nothing happened, but it did leave him in a coma. Bryan's family heard about it and went to the hospital. The news of the accident spread throughout the city, with all the news channels and websites talking about it. He was receiving a lot of criticism for driving drunk and putting people's lives in danger. This was perhaps the end of his reputation as a good guy, and even of his own career as a businessman. Bryan's family knew this, so his mother had the idea of getting her son married as soon as possible. Perhaps the news of the wedding and the merger of the Martínez and Miller companies would be enough to cover it up, or at least keep people's attention on other news, and stop the news of the accident getting out. However, Bryan's mother Rebekah's plans went up in smoke when Emma, Bryan's fiancée, said she would no longer get married, she had learned that her fiancé might become paraplegic, and according to her, she would rather not be with a disabled man, she would rather not have to spend her whole life pushing a wheelchair, or appearing in front of cameras and at fancy parties with a man who couldn't walk. Rebekah was furious and Emma's father, knowing what his daughter had done, apologized and said that Bryan could marry his youngest daughter, Petra. He also said that she was a well-behaved girl and would be an obedient wife. Rebekah, angry at Emma's words, accepted the deal, but said that Petra had to get married as soon as possible, even though Bryan was still in a coma.
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