Chapter 5

1067 Words
Petra was sitting on a bench in the garden, looking at the flowers, the ones she had planted that were growing beautifully. She was feeling such an unbearable pain in her heart that it seemed that there was nothing in the world that could alleviate it. She thought about her fate, she was still shaken by everything that had happened, although two months had already passed, everything that had happened to her still moved her. Her sister had called her a few weeks ago, said she was traveling around Turkey, seeing the wonders the country had to offer, Emma knew it was taking a toll on Petra, as she was stuck in that house doing nothing, not even going out on the street. Street she could. Emma's call left Petra worse than she already was, she just wanted to be able to live a little, to be free. Petra had dreams, she wanted to study architecture in Italy, travel around different countries, collecting unforgettable memories. But, she can't, she'll stay forever in a house where she can't even go outside. — What a horrible life I have. — she says, smiling bitterly. Turning on her cell phone to check the time, Petra saw that she had a new message. She was from the hospital, reporting that her husband had woken up from his coma. She felt a mixture of surprise and fear. How it would be to meet a man she had married without even having met him before, and who maybe he doesn't even know about her existence. Is this where her life would change completely? Sighing tiredly, Petra got up from the bench and entered her house, she needed to get ready to go to the hospital. . . . Petra sighs as she looks at herself in the mirror. She is wearing a skirt and blouse set that her mother-in-law bought for her. The skirt is tight and short, and the top is tight around the shoulders, almost looking like a straitjacket. She was irritated, her father, who for a long time controlled her life, was not enough, now she had her mother-in-law, who wanted to transform her into a person she was not. Of course, the clothes and shoes that Rebekah bought were beautiful, but that wasn't part of Petra's style, she was a simple girl, it wasn't part of her style to wear expensive clothes. —I'll never be able to wear those kinds of clothes. — said Petra, looking at herself in the mirror. The clothes are beautiful, made of fine fabrics and impeccably finished, but Petra doesn't feel comfortable in them. She feels like she's wearing a costume. — You look like a princess. — says her mother-in-law, Rebekah, as she walks into the room. — I'm sure your husband will love it when he sees you wearing those clothes. Petra smiles weakly and looks at her mother-in-law in the mirror. Rebekah is very pretty, with perfectly styled blonde hair and impeccable red nails, but she's also overbearing and judgmental. — I don't know, Rebekah… These clothes are beautiful, but I feel a little overdone in them. — Petra replies, turning to face her. — You need to get used to wearing more elegant clothes, Petra. You are my daughter-in-law and I want you to live up to our family. Wearing simple and cheap clothes is not acceptable. Petra lowers her head. She knows she won't be able to convince Rebekah otherwise. She is just a simple girl, despite having a lot of money, Petra has never been a girl who likes to waste money on expensive clothes and accessories. And Rebekah wants to change who she is. — I just want you to feel pretty and live up to our family, to show that you're a Miller now, married to the big rich businessman Bryan Miller, I want you to act like one. — says Rebekah, gently touching Petra's face. — And if you wear those clothes with confidence, you'll look amazing. Petra tries to smile again, but she knows she won't make it. She doesn't feel confident wearing these clothes, she feels like an imposter. But she doesn't want to argue with Rebekah again. She knows this will only make things worse between them. So she just sighs and continues to get ready. After getting dressed, they leave the house and head to the hospital. . . . Petra's heart was racing as she walked through the hospital corridors. She couldn't believe that she was about to meet her husband for the first time. It all felt so surreal. After a few minutes, she was standing in front of the door of the room that separated her from her husband, her mother-in-law was right behind, the same word for Petra to open the door and enter. So Petra did exactly as she was told. With her hand outstretched, she slowly opened the door. Her eyes met the man's, who stared at her without knowing who she was or why she was there. Petra could feel her heart beating faster. She didn't know what to say, how to start a conversation with a stranger who was now her husband. She just walked towards the bed, where he was lying looking at her with confusion, he really had no idea who she was. Petra tried to speak but didn't know how to start, but the man spoke. — Who are you? — he asked, his voice weak from his time in a coma. Petra replied, simply and with a sigh of relief. — I'm your wife. My name is Petra. Petra's heart was racing, she had no idea what to say, just stated the obvious, and the man in front of her looked at her in complete confusion. She looked into his eyes, while he stared back at her, it was as if their gazes were forbidden to stray from each other, she didn't feel afraid now that she was staring into those beautiful blue eyes, on the contrary, they seemed to make her feel comfortable and safe. . That was all madness, Petra could only be going crazy, the time alone in her house messing with the plants must have messed with her psychology, or the need she had. She was attracted to him, but how could she be attracted to someone she doesn't know? It was all madness.
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