Best month ever

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Alexander POV As I’m sitting at my desk going over paperwork to take over my next biggest company venture in C town I get a phone call from Dave my realtor asking me if I wanted him to look for places for me in C town. I told him yea and to let me know I want to check them out myself when I get there. C town was an up an coming city in the southern district of Crystal falls. On the plane it takes an hour to get there in the car 5 hours from Sin city where I am the owner of the biggest oil reserve and manufacturing company handed down by my father. He and my mom are off traveling the world living their best life and knew I was ready to take over the family business. My company in Sin city has the best CEO and COO working so I can easily slip away to tend to my newest business venture . My new business was the biggest car import export exchange. It was something different from oil and manufacturing I could learn a lot, plus I love cars. The building was the tallest and overlooked the entire city along with it being on the waterfront. I arrived in C town at little past 2 pm and was on a mission to find somewhere to stay. I had a few places to stop at curtesy of Dave. The first place I checked out was nice but I wasn’t in the market for a house just yet. The second place I liked very much (Highland Tower) I just didn’t like the fact that it was not a secure building. Anyone could just walk in and I did not like that. The last place I went to The Place on Grand Street was grand alright. To say the least the community was secured. Upon entrance was a booth and two lanes. One was for visitors and the other was for residents. The lane for residents had a access panel where residents swipe their card to enter. The other lane was a booth with security inside. He asked me what business I had here and I let him know I had an appointment to look at a place! He gave me a guest access card and let me know which way was the leasing office. Zaria POV It had been over a month since I started my new position as the assistant manager at The Place on Grand Street. The Place on Grand Street was magnificent. There were one, two and three bedroom flats ranging from 800-1400 square feet with enclosed patios on the front and back of the flat. There were also one, two and three bedroom condos with at least two balconies located on the front and back of the condos. The condos ranged from 1000-2000 square feet and they all were expensively priced. All of the apartments and condos come with hardwood floors in every room, marble counter tops, floors and back splashes. Stainless steel appliances and some even came furnished if needed. For the first few weeks Morgan was here every day teaching me to learn all the ends and outs of the manager position. I learned a lot of management duties when I was at my first community. So a lot of the work was easy and the other work I caught on quick how to do. The budget is the thing I had trouble in so I definitely would need more help in that area when the time came. Morgan let me know that I was going to basically be managing myself with three leasing consultants two at time so they all got an equal amount of hours. She would only come if the owners or the management company visited. Morgan also let me know that she is getting a promotion and will be the supervisor over The Place on Grand Street and a couple other properties, and to teach me all that she knows so that I can become property manager when she leaves. Upon hearing the news I was ecstatic and willing to learn any and everything that I needed to know. Alexander POV I entered the leasing office of The Place on Grand Street and was almost knocked over by the two leasing consultants coming to greet meet. “Hi my name is Jessica and I’m Olivia” they both said in unison. “Hi I’m Alexander Knight and I have an appointment to look at a one bedroom please”. Jessica was a tall blonde, with bright pink lipstick and matching eye shadow. She wore a black skirt with a very revealing pink blouse, she had very small boobs and no figure at all. Olivia was shorter than Jessica by a little and had brunette hair with neutral make up. She was more busty than Jessica along with a bigger booty which I found quite pleasing to the eye. They were both so eager to oblige my requests they both rushed over to their desk to help. I was fortunately saved by this beautiful brown skinned goddess that walked from out of the back office wearing black pinstripe pants, a white silk blouse and 4 inch heels. She wore neutral make up which blended very well with her skin tone. She was tall, busty and had curves for days and dressed more professional than the leasing consultants. She spoke to Olivia as she came out. “Olivia I need you to call this resident to see if they are home for maintenance to come and fix their request”. Olivia obliged but not before giving Jessica the ugly face for being able to help me. I was so enthralled with this beautiful woman I did not notice that Jessica walked up and started asking about my apartment needs. I quickly diverted my attention back to Jessica and asked her what did she have available. She let me know that she had a flat and a condo available. I opted to see the one bedroom condo I immediately liked it, it had everything I was looking for plus one added addition of the beautiful lady I had to meet. After the tour I asked Jessica what I needed to apply. She let me know that I needed to fill out the application, pay the fees and provide 3 months income. I told Jessica give me an hour and I’ll be back with everything. Zaria POV I had just finished an emergency voicemail with a resident about an emergency work request! I went to see Olivia to give the resident a call to see if she was home. As I spoke to Olivia I couldn’t help but notice the tall, handsome figure with grey eyes standing at the doorway. He had on a dark suit with matching leather shoes, black hair, a smile to die for and alluring and confident alpha demeanor. As he spoke to Jessica he knew exactly what he was looking for and when. After the tour I heard the magic words “what do I need to apply”. I was excited this would be my second person to move in with me managing by myself. An hour passed and he came back with everything needed for his application to get processed! Jessica let him know to give her 24 hours and she will let him know if he is approved! After he left she ran all of his information and he was approved instantly. When you get approved instantly you automatically get an approval letter stating you were approved and the deposit amount. After a prospect is approved the manager has to call and see when they want to move in and let them know other information for move in. I gave him a call but received a busy signal, so I decide to try back a little later. Alexander POV Waiting 24 hours to hear back that I am approved for the condo had my nerves going! I can’t wait to see her and finally meet her. I knew I’ll have to go through her once I got approved. I got the approval letter 20 minutes after I left and I immediately called. Olivia answered the phone with a pleasant greeting, but I didn’t want to talk to her so I asked for the manager. Within a couple seconds a sexy voice came to the phone “Zaria speaking how can I help you”. I immediately announced myself and let her know that I received the letter of approval. She laughed and let me know what she was just trying to to contact me. She let me know that I was approved, when would I like to move and what I needed! I presented all the information to her and let her know that I can be back in 30 minutes with everything needed. She said that even though they closed in a half hour she would wait for me to return. I was grateful for that and glad that I would have some alone time with her. 30 minutes late I purposely called her to let her know that I was running a couple minutes late. She said don’t worry she will be here when I arrive just knock on the door when I arrive. I waited outside the leasing office a little bit away until I saw the leasing agents leave then I made my move. Zaria POV 5 minutes after the leasing agents left I heard a knock on the door. It was the tall, dark, handsome figure from earlier. I let him in and led him to my office to finish his move in paperwork. He present me with the funds he needed, along with his renters insurance, electric, gas, and car information to put in the system. As I was printing the lease to go over with him I couldn’t help but to catch those beautiful grey eyes staring at me. I shyly looked at the printer and then back at him to see if he wanted anything to drink. He kindly declined the drink and instead asked me out on a date. I didn’t know what to say to this handsome man staring back at me so mesmerized. I kindly declined and told him that it was bad for business to date a resident. The look in his eyes was saddened by my rejection that I couldn’t look his way anymore. I quickly went to the printer to grab his lease. I went over it and he signed then I signed and I gave him his keys, access card and garage remote and told him where his condo was located. After he left it took me at least a half hour to get out of the office. I had to make the last bus that came out this far. Alexander POV When she turned me down for the date I asked her about I was not so pleased to say the least. I usually get what I want and this time I couldn’t so that made me want her even more. I already knew I could easily get the leasing agents but I didn’t want either of them. I wanted Miss Zaria Porter with those luscious lips, brown eyes, long black hair, boobs that I could not help but to stare at occasionally and a body to die for with curves in all the right places. She was just my type and looked delicious enough to eat right there on the spot. I left the office with all of my new housing materials in hand and I sat in my car and waited to her come out, 30 minutes later she finally popped out of there in a rush. I saw her walking the opposite way of the parking lot and though she must live here. Until I seen her go out of the complex and around the corner. I decided to follow to see where she was going and to my surprise it was the bus stop. I decided to pull up next to her to see if she wants a ride home. She respectfully declined stated that she didn’t want to bother me the last bus was coming soon. So I asked to wait with her and she obliged, I parked my Range Rover and got out to sit with her. I wanted to learn more about her but she wasn’t giving up to much information and was often vague. 40 minutes passed before I asked what time is the bus due to come. She looked at the bus time and started cursing herself. I asked what’s wrong and she said she read the time wrong and the last bus had already come and gone. My opportunity came once more to take her home! She was going to decline before I stated I do not care how far she is going. She obliged and I opened the car door for her as she got in. Zaria POV It was getting late out and I knew I had to get out of the office to catch the last bus at 630. I wasn’t able to get out of the office until 615 and it took me at least 10 minutes to walk to the bus stop. As I arrived at 625 I was happy I made it on time and didn’t see a bus in sight yet either way!! I sat there for a while and then a black Range Rover pulled up and rolled down the window and to my surprise it was Alexander asking if I needed a ride. I declined and let him know that bus was due shortly, so he asked to wait with me. I was going to decline but it was getting dark and I didn’t want to be alone at the dark bus stop. He got out and sat next to me and started asking me about myself. I was vague in a lot of my answers due to me not wanting him in my private life. We sat there and time passed by before I noticed at least 40 minutes had passed. Alexander asked me if the bus was coming so I looked up the schedule and it said the bus was due at my location at 615 and the other location at 630! I completely read the schedule wrong. I silently cursed myself for reading it wrong and couldn’t wait to afford a vehicle for myself. He saw that I was angry and cursing myself so he decide to ask if I needed a ride again. This time I didn’t decline so fast I thought about it for a minute, and he said it doesn’t matter how far I have to go he’ll take me. I asked him was he sure and he assured me. So I accepted his offer to take me home. As I was telling him the directions he asked me if I had eaten today! I was going to lie and say yes but my stomach totally sold me out. So I agreed to go out to eat with him! Alexander POV I guess everything was working in my favor with Zaria. When I heard her stomach growl I asked if she had eaten anything today and she said she ate breakfast. I asked her to eat yet again but this time she accepted so I asked her what’s her favorite place to eat. She told me about a seafood place that she loved and haven’t been in a while due to them being pricey! I said have not fear I’ll take you there I enjoy seafood as well! One thing I noticed we had in common was our love for seafood! I can not wait to see if anything else interests her. At dinner she couldn’t help but to let me in on some information on her! Apparently after I told her what I did for a living. She wasn’t surprised especially since I came to her community to rent a condo and the prices there were not cheap! I found that she is has her Master’s degree in business, that she would like to open her own business and possibly return to school to get her PhD. Her phone started to go off and she looked at the time and decided she needed to get home. I asked her if she has a special person at home and she replied with a shy no just a best friend and roommate. I paid the check and we departed and I took her home. She stayed in a not to good looking neighborhood but I figured it was all she and her room mate could afford. I watched her enter the building before I departed. I though to myself I can take care of you Miss Zaria you would not have to want for anything.
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