Big Mistake

1650 Words
Zaria POV I don’t know what I was thinking inviting him in. I did not know that Kayla had brought that guy back to our apartment. She could have at least told me so I could’ve known what I was walking into. I quickly led Alexander to my room to escape the sounds of love making. Once in my room I asked him if he wanted anything to drink. He gladly asked for water, and I couldn’t wait to leave to go grab it. Once in the kitchen I cleared my mind and drank me a bottle of water before taking his water to him a few minutes later. Back in my room Alexander was admiring the art and certificates on my wall. I gladly let him know it was from my college days when me and Kayla were roommates. The sounds of love making made it’s way to our ears and I couldn’t take it anymore. I asked Alexander to leave before something happened between us. He looked at me sideways walked over and pinned me to the wall before his lips came crashing down on mine. He was kissing me so aggressively yet passionately so moving down my neck biting my ear and caressing my breast. Before I knew what was happening he slipped my left breast out and sucked on my n****e. I was so engrossed in the feeling that didn’t want it to stop. In the midst I asked him if he had a condom. He took my other n****e in his mouth sucking oh so gently before making a trail of kisses up my neck to my ear. He said in between kisses “a condom....for what... the only thing I want to do right now is taste you give me permission to do that”?! Clouded by my feelings of pleasure I unknowingly shook my head yes. He pinned my hands above my head with one hand while the other roamed down finding a soaking wet mound of juices making a puddle in my panties. He removed my panties with one hand then his fingers started to caress my aching bud of pleasure before he got down on his knees and lifted me up on his shoulders kissing each thigh. He started to move his tongue in ways I’ve never experienced before. I was so enthralled with this man and his tongue that was doing magic between my legs I didn’t notice I was moan his name loudly. He started to finger me while his tongue did the magic and I felt that amazing feeling in the pit of my stomach before realizing that I was about to c*m. He sped up with he felt my interior walls clench his fingers 2 minutes later I exploded all over his fingers. He then laid me on the bed and continued lapping up my juices until there was nothing left. He went to the bathroom that was connected to my room then later came back with a wet towel and cleaned me up. After he finished he asked me to see him out. I didn’t want to move but happily obliged as I threw my robe on and out of my bedroom door we went. The sounds of Kayla had vanished and there was nothing but quietness in our apartment. He kissed me good night and I could taste my juices still on his lips. He left and I quickly went to my room and hopped in the shower. Alexander POV After leaving Zaria house I was hornier than I had ever been before. With her juices still on my taste buds I headed for the nearest store and bought a box of magnums then headed for Seemingly Secluded which is a brothel located on the West Bank of the river. I arrived 30 minutes later and was led to the back. The woman of the house Veronica asked how me many women I wanted and I said three. I had to get these blue balls taken care of immediately. The women showed up dressed in sexy lingerie, but the only woman I was seeing at the moment was Zaria. She stayed on my mind the whole night and her juices stayed on my tongue as I plowed away at one of the girls. After I finished my first nut I drank a bottle of water ready to release my second one. As I envisioned Zaria as each one of these women my release came a second and third time before I cut them loose ready to hit my sheets. After I rested for about 10 minutes I left, went home got in the shower and went to bed as it was a very long night indeed. ......................................................................... Alexander POV It had been a month since I last saw or spoke with Zaria. My mind was reeling and I didn’t know what to do. I needed to get my mind off of her so I was glad my parents came to town. My parents were coming to stay in C town for a while to handle some business affairs. I was meeting them for lunch so my assistant Dante let me know I had two more meetings after my lunch date. I left to meet my parents at Frank’s a well known bistro place in the heart of the city. When I arrived my parents were not alone. They have a very attractive blonde with a long face, high cheekbones, botoxed candy red lips with big blue eyes. She was not my type but would do for a good lay. Nonetheless I was very interested in what was going on. I kissed my mom Julia on the cheek and gave a hand shake to my father Charles. They introduced me to Jennifer who is a recent friend of the family. We sat down ordered some drinks and my father got right down to business. He was never the man to beat around the bush when it came to anything. He let me know that Jennifer’s father is a well known business man Jonathan Crosby. I knew of him but unfortunately I did not like how he did business. My father let me know that he and Jonathan had been friends for about 15 years or so and they had came upon an agreement. In my mind I’m thinking what type of agreement did they come up with and for what. My father finally said they that signed a contract for me and Jennifer to get married and stay married for two years in order for Crosby to be a backer and help grow the business. At that time I was fuming I said no disrespect but how do you just sign something without my knowledge about my life. My father said son this was not of your choice you were young and still a kid when this was signed. I didn’t know what to do or say. Everything else went in one ear and out of the other. I excused myself from lunch and headed back to work. I was glad I had a couple more meetings to take my mind of this current contract situation. I immediately needed a night out with Marcus and Zack so I had Dante set it up when I arrived back at the office. Zaria POV It had been a month since I last seen or spoke with Alexander. So I though I guess tasting me was all he wanted. I had never had a one night stand quite like that before. To say the least I did enjoy it and wished all one night stands could be the same lol. That night me and Kayla came out after our men left and our showers and discussed our little fiascos. She said the guy she met Sam was a lawyer for one of the biggest law firms in C town. He was tall, dark, handsome, had killer waves, a six pack which you could tell he worked out daily and a very long thick package according to Kayla. That night he laid he down a few times, and when we arrived they were in already in the middle of round three. To say the least I was kind of jealous that she got it put on her, but happy at the same time. She did mention that would see him again after that night. Here we are a month later and she and Sam are going strong. She left the apartment to me and moved in with Sam. I thought she was moving to fast but she said it was love at first fling lol. With my position as a property manager I could afford to live there paying the full rent and bills myself just nothing extra with Kayla gone. So while at work I called Morgan to inquire about a raise since I was doing so well since I came aboard. She said a raise wouldn’t come about for 6 months but did let me know that I could live rent free if I moved in and got approved. I was ecstatic at that and filled out the application and got the needed documentation for applying. I quickly sent the documents over to Morgan and she processed them and would contact me later with good or bad news. I was busy in my office handling end of the month paperwork when I heard his sexy deep voice. He was also with a couple other people who I heard were his parents. I stayed inside my office not to interfere as the leasing agents could handle it. They wanted a renovated 3 bedroom furnished condo. So they all went to go look at the model of a condo when I heard a knock on my office door. I opened the door and my eyes landed on Alexander.
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