I can’t fix us, but I’ll try

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Zaria POV I didn’t really want to end things with Alex, but with him getting married and me not wanting to be involved is best the way. His s*x is on point, his head is fire and I have yet to see what he really working with! I know I can feel him and he feels huge and thick but I want to see it. I guess I won’t see it anytime soon either with us going our separate ways. After we left the club we went to a diner to grab something to eat, chill and talk. After a while we eventually made it to our respective houses. I rolled me a fatty before getting in the shower to wash off the second time of us having s****l intercourse. I was smoking and just in my thoughts when I heard someone knocking on my door. In my tank top with no bra and shorts with no panties I went to grab my robe not sure who is at my door. I open it to find Alex standing there with hurt in his eyes. He asked me if he could come inside and I moved aside to let him. He sat down and there was a moment before either one of us said anything. He started by saying he could not control the actions of his parents he just does what they say. How he haven’t had a chance to talk with them yet about this matter but he will once he blow off steam. Then he asked me if he could stay the night due to him not wanting to go home tonight. I said yes and also let him know that I was swore from our s****l encounters tonight. He looked up at me and said “that’s okay I’ve been dying to taste you ever since the club”, by the way what’s that smell”? I quickly changed the subject asked if he wanted anything to drink he replied no so I said I did and dashed to the kitchen. A few moments later he came up behind me put his hands around my waist and said “you cannot change the subject, and I know the smell of ganja I use to dabble in it before I become highly successful. It really eased my mind of a lot of things. Do you mind if I hit that fatty with you, I seen it on my way to the kitchen” he said. My eyes grew wide and a smile appeared on my face I said “hey why not this may be my last time seeing you we can certainly blow together”. He turned me around and said “I don’t want this to be our last interaction with each other please don’t push me away”. I looked deep into his eyes and said “let’s take things slow and be friends for the moment until you find out what your married life is like first. I don’t want to come in between the two of you”. “There is nothing to come in between, I hardly know the woman this is my first time seeing her, interacting with her, knowing about her” he said. “Okay we will take things one day at a time, let’s not rush into things” I said. He kissed me hard and then he cupped my a$$ picked me up and sat me on the counter. I had to break away for a bit to breath. He whispered in me ear “Want to 69 I would love to have you that way” said Alex. I giggled and said “let’s this may be the first and last time to see what you’re working with”. He bit my shoulder and said “this is definitely not the last time we are seeing each other”. He commenced to picking up and took me to my room. He laid on the bed and said “you on top”. He removed my clothes then his and laid across the bed and motioned for me to position myself over his face. I admired his big girthy c**k and swallowed and thought damn I won’t be able to fit all this in my mouth. I am definitely willing to try I licked up the sides of his p***s before inserting him in my mouth. I sucked like I my life depending on it while grinding on his face. I enclosed my lips over my teeth and started sucking like I had no teeth! This sent him on edge all I heard was oh s**t that feels so good and moan after moan. I was so infatuated with his p***s and giving him pleasure I almost forgot about my orgasm developing in my the pit of my stomach. Next thing I heard was “I’m about to c*m”. So I removed my mouth and replaced it with my hands and finished him off. I continued to grind on his face until I squirted all over his face. He didn’t stop until I couldn’t take it anymore. After that he went to the bathroom returned with a warm towel and cleaned me up. He came back and said “this has been the best night I’ve ever had”. He laid down next to me and kissed me passionately and we fell asleep 10 minutes later. Alexander POV I awoke from the best night I’ve ever had with a woman. I went to the bathroom found an extra toothbrush and brushed my teeth, and freshened up my face. I returned to the room and stared at the beautiful brown skinned beauty in front of me for a while before placing a kiss on her lips and leaving. I placed a phone call before stopping at the florist on my way home. When I arrived home my dad called me to kitchen. “Yes dad, what’s up” I said. He passed me a drink and said “let’s talk”. I knew this talk would come sooner or later. So I sucked it up and talked to my father. The first thing I said was “how could you guys just arrange this marriage, what if I had someone important in my life”?! My father came back and said “son it’s just a business arrangement, there is nothing in the contract stating financial obligations or bearing children. So let things be with the important person that you have and in two years you will be with her. Hopefully you will let us meet the lucky woman who has stolen you heart. We never expected for you to find someone, with you switching women often it never dawned on us”. I smiled and said “thanks dad I never thought I would find that lucky someone either. Yes I sure will let you meet her, she is lovely, smart, and beautiful. You guys will love her. Question for for you?! How you would you feel about a grandchild?” He look at me with the most astonished look and said “son if you come to me and tell me a special lady is bearing a child of our heir, it would be an honor and the best thing in the world. I love you son”. “I love you to dad”. After I finished a couple drinks I went to my room to take a shower. Upon entering my room Jennifer was laid on my bed with just a bra and panties on. I looked at her with so much fury in my eyes and said “get out now”. Before she could say something my father called her down so they could go and secure their place. After she left I took a shower and went to my office to draw up some contracts. A prenup and a contract for Jennifer not to interfere in my life and vice versa. One for my lovely Zaria, stating that if I fall in love with my wife within the two years I am married to her I will let her go with 1 million dollars Scott free. If she is pregnant with my child an account will be set up with 50,000 a month going into the account. After the marriage is over we can get married, or be together for the sake of our child. If I fall in love with my wife and she is pregnant the account will go to 100,000 instead of 50,000 and visitation of my child per Zaria. Jennifer POV Alex is lucky it is time to go and get the keys to my new place. I’ve decided to get a one bedroom flat to stay in. I need a place after we get married in case I need somewhere to go. He seems like he is going to be hard to mold. I thought to my myself I need to find a way to throw this on him and get pregnant with his child. So he won’t have no other choice but to be with me. Desperate times calls for desperate measures. I’ve always wanted to find a man that wanted me for me and not for what I have to offer them. Even though he doesn’t want me for me now he eventually will in due time.
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