Lana’s P.O.V. A werewolf? Jamie, is a werewolf? Seriously? When I spotted that wolf inside the woods, fear had filled me up completely during the first few seconds. I felt frozen, my body and my brain unable to function because of what they were seeing. I wanted to run, I wanted to scream, but all I could do, was fall into this darkness. But quite frankly, I wasn’t afraid of the wolf itself. I even felt drawn to it in some weird way. I wanted to walk over to it, pet it and run my hands through his reddish brown fur. The way the wolf had looked at me, made me feel safe and loved, not that I was about to be eaten alive or anything like that. But it was just the whole situation that was making me afraid. Because it just made no sense at all. Werewolves just weren’t real! They were a fanta