Chapter 4

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20 months later Well, we had our original service time extended due to unforeseen circumstances. In reality, we were stationed in the middle of the ocean as the backup to some trading ships that were getting hassled by pirates. Finally, we are docked back in the states with clear permission to leave until further notice, meaning we are standing by for orders regarding our next assignment at sea. I know what’s waiting for me at home back in Texas. I invited my entire unit to this engagement party that has been on the back burner for several years. I genuinely don’t want to be with Tessa, but what other choice do I have? Maybe I’ll learn to care for Tessa in time, but I don’t see that happening. The more I’ve talked to her to try and get to know her, the more I realize she’s a younger version of my mother, which is not the type of woman I want to be with for the rest of my life. I spent two weeks just putting around the coast making excuses for why I haven’t gone home yet, but now that the inevitable weekend of the party is here, I have to go home. I can’t make an excuse when everyone else on the ship with me, including my commanding officers, will be there. I can’t get out of this even if I tried. I duck into the town tavern for a couple drinks. I just do not want to deal with a double dose of my mother, meaning my mother and Tessa. As I step into the tavern, I see a live band setting up on the small stage in the corner; maybe tonight won’t be so bad. I heard some shouting coming from a table just as a guy came out of an office to observe the commotion. Looking around the room, I see Ricochet and Hollis sitting at the table. I walk over with a smile. “Hey guys, have y’all ordered yet?” I greet them. “Not yet; the waitress is dealing with a table of rowdy customers,” Hollis answers, nodding toward a table of guys. I recognize one of them. Great, my own soon-to-be brother-in-law, Dean, can’t keep his friends in line at a tavern? “I’ll save her the trip. What are we getting?” I ask, standing back up. They tell me their orders, and I walk to the bar. “Hey, bartender! Can I get 3 Miller Lights on draft?” I call out. “Coming up!” He answers as he sets down some drinks on a tray, grabs three beer glasses, and pulls the taps. As I wait for him to open a tab with my credit card I handed him, I hear even more commotion before the guy standing in the office doorway rushes over to the table. I take the beers back to the table and sit down with Ricochet and Hollis. “What did I miss?” I ask when I sit down and see them both staring at Dean and his friends' table. “One of the guys just slapped the waitress, and she decked him good. I really hope she doesn’t lose her job over this.” Ricochet answers. We watch as the guy from the office ushers Dean out of the tavern with the threat to call the cops if he comes back in here to harass his employees again. Well, he must be the owner. Of course, Dean was harassing the waitress, and by the way, he was holding his nose. She has a great hook. He should know not to mess with women in Texas; they learn to defend themselves at the same time, they learn how to shot a gun. I give a slight chuckle to myself and shake my head thinking about how he will explain a broken nose to Tessa when he gets to my mother’s house. As the band starts to play, many families filter out of the place while others come in troves to fill those empty tables. As I finish my beer, I look around and notice most of these people in here now are people I knew in school; it’s strange seeing them now just hanging out without a care in the world, yet I’ve been gone for about two years now and see so much. “The kitchen is now closed.” Someone announces on the microphone interrupting the band for a second. Many people get up and leave as they clearly are only here to eat. “I’m empty; any of you boys want a refill?” I offer. “If your buying, I’m drinking.” Hollis smiles. “Ricochet?” “I’ll take another, sure.” He is clearly enjoying the band right now. I start going to the bar, skirting around some patrons who have decided to dance to the live band’s music. As I dodged around one couple, I practically walked into the waitress carrying a tray full of drinks. “Sorry.” I smile as I grab the tray to help steady it for her. “Thanks.” She mumbles as she pushes past me. That voice made me do a double take. I know that voice anywhere and that light brown hair, never mind how her hips move when she walks. “Mia?” I call out as she sets the drinks on the table. “That’s me. How are you?” She asked nonchalantly. This made my heart sting a little. She’s acting as if she didn’t break my heart at all. “I’m good,” I reply. “Wasn’t expecting to see you here, never mind working as a waitress.” I can’t hide my surprise. Last I heard, she has a kid; this isn’t a place for a mother to be working. “Bartender and waitress on the night shifts.” She replies. “Excuse me; I have tables to clear.” She pushes past me and continues as if we were just old acquaintances catching up. I make my way to the bar, order another round for my unit mates, and enjoy the band a bit more. When the band finishes its set and begins to pack it up, Ricochet and Hollis head out for the night. They got rooms at the local bed and breakfast that I didn’t know existed. I guess a lot has changed around here in the past two years, but one thing sure hasn’t. My feelings for Mia Tremaine. Seeing her made my heart stop, and now I can’t resist the need to touch her face and talk to her. I understand she has work, so I can wait until she’s done. I have so many questions for her and much to tell her. This must be a sign from the heavens that I should not be marrying Tessa. After last call, I head out to the parking lot and waited. I know it’s a bit creepy, but I don’t know when I’ll get another chance like this again to chat with her. When the door to the tavern opens again, Mia comes out with the bartender, who says goodbye and gets in his own car. At least those two aren’t an item. “Mia, I want to talk to you,” I call out as she unlocks her car door. “There’s nothing for us to talk about, Ry.” She answers, opening her car door. “I missed you. I was hoping we could hang out for old times’ sake.” I admitted, hopefully. All I need is to find out what happened to her waiting for me. She lets out a snort of a laugh. “That ship sailed almost three years ago. I’m not interested.” “Word around town is you’re quite the tease. I was hoping you and I could get together like we used to.” I say, reaching for her waist. I knew as soon as the words left my mouth I had just f****d up. The look on her face had me inhaling, hoping I don’t get my teeth knocked out. I know how hard she can hit. “Don’t believe everything you hear. Not everything is true.” She snaps before getting her car and slamming the door. She left me standing in the parking lot, trying to figure out how much of what I’ve been told between my mother and Logan was actually true. I didn’t believe it when my mother told me, so I followed up with Logan, who told me all kinds of things. I just want to talk to Mia and clear the air. I swear if she’s single, I’m calling off my engagement, and I will be with the woman I love. I thought I'd be over her after two and a half years, but seeing her tonight made me realize my love for her just runs too deep. Reluctantly, I return to my car and drive to my mother’s house. I park my car, get out and head inside. “We were expecting you for dinner.” My mother calls from her parlor before taking a swig of her whiskey. “I stopped into the tavern for a few beers with the guys. Ricochet and Hollis arrived tonight with me; the others will be here sometime this week.” I half lie. “Funny, Dean came from the tavern tonight around nine and said he didn’t see you there.” “I came in after some sort of commotion. Maybe he’ll know what that was about.” I lie some more. “That slut punched Dean in the face for no reason,” Tessa commented as she descended the stairs in the hallway. “All he did was ask for her number. I don’t understand why he would bother himself with such a dirty whore.” My skin crawls hearing someone speak about Mia like this. “Hollis said someone slapped the waitress behind, and how do you know what kind of person this unnamed waitress is?” I ask, turning to face Tessa. “Don’t play dumb. If you were at the tavern all night, you know that Tremaine waitresses there.” My mother states with a vile tone as she says, ‘Tremaine.’’ “We sat at the bar all night; we didn’t see a waitress.” I lied some more. If I admit to seeing Mia, something may snap in me before I’m ready to show my hand to these two. “It’s been a long night between driving in a car and getting off the ship. I’m going to shower and then turn in for the night. Have a good night, ladies.” I mutter as I go upstairs. I find an empty room, lock the door behind me and head into the bathroom. I may be being forced to marry this woman, but until I am married to her, I have no intention of sharing the same bed with her. I really hope Mia gives me a time of day to chat. At least we can air everything out and move past it all. Hopefully, we’ll end up together, but I’m not counting my eggs before they hatch.
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