Chapter 7

1075 Words
Peach's POV: Left in solitude after enduring a barrage of hurtful comments regarding my impending marriage to Amon, today shaped up to be one of the most challenging in my life. Weighing the options of either leaving or lingering in the empty classroom, I deemed the latter too awkward. Rising from my seat, I ventured into the hallway where sparse students roamed, realizing my schedule afforded me a break from classes. Suddenly, Mr. Zaheer's voice called out, questioning my absence from the cafeteria. Unaware it was lunchtime, I expressed gratitude upon learning the timing. "I had no idea about this, but thank you," I replied with a grateful smile, ready to move away when his words arrested my departure. "Don't let anyone's words bring you down, Peach. There's something special about you, and I'm confident you'll become an amazing designer," he reassured with a warm smile, injecting a much-needed boost to my self-esteem. "Thank you so much, sir. I appreciate your kindness," I responded with a smile gracing my lips. "Now, go eat and fill up for the next class," he advised before walking away, renewing my belief in the presence of good people. Entering the bustling cafeteria, where students reveled in lunchtime camaraderie, hunger gnawed at me. However, conflicted by my mother's advice to adhere strictly to a diet, I deliberated on the significance of a modest meal. Navigating the lunch line, the lunch ladies' disgusted expressions heightened my insecurity. To my dismay, they increased the serving sizes, leaving me hesitant to object. Collecting my food with a forced smile, I faced the challenge of finding a vacant seat in the crowded space until spotting an empty spot, which I hurriedly claimed. As I poised to take my first bite, a voice interjected with disdain, "Ewww, are you trying to murder yourself? This food smells," intensifying the struggles of an already challenging day. “Don’t be rude, Tracy, and let the fat pig have her meal,” Emily smirked, a sharp pang of humiliation causing me to drop my spoon upon hearing their words. “Please don’t tell me she is the one getting married to Damon?” Tracy asked, her expression one of disgust. “She is so ugly and fat,” she added, intensifying the barrage of insults aimed at my appearance. “She is the person getting married to him, but you know I will never allow that to happen,” Emily declared with a sneer. “Please leave me alone,” I pleaded with a subdued tone. “I thought you don’t speak,” Tracy said with an amused tone. “You know what, Emily, we will be doing a bad thing getting rid of this food. We can just leave it right here for her,” she added, dropping her leftovers callously. “You can have mine as well,” Emily added with a mocking tone. “I also think you need water to wash all this down. Have this so you feel better,” she said, pouring water on me from her bottle, causing me to flinch with fear. “I hope you feel cool,” she added with a cruel laugh before walking away, leaving me alone amid the judgmental stares of onlookers who chose not to intervene. A girl in glasses approached with a towel, offering it to me. I accepted it, attempting to clean up, but I remained visibly wet. “Thank you…” I began. “Julie. You can call me Julie,” she said with a kind smile. “Thank you so much, Julie,” I responded with a grateful smile. “I see you are on the bad side of those two,” Julie remarked as she sat down at my table. “You need to avoid them in all that you can do; they are bad news,” she advised, and a sense of fear intensified within me. “I really don’t want any trouble, but it seems they are bound to trouble me,” I admitted with a sad tone. “The only way you can…” Julie started, but a loud noise interrupted her. “Not again,” she added with an exhausted tone. All the students hurriedly stood up, gathering in a crowd. “What is happening?” I asked with a curious tone. “A fight,” Julie responded as she stood up. “A fight!” I exclaimed with a confused tone, following her to the crowd. We made our way to the front, and my eyes widened upon seeing Asher, Amon, and Cody in the middle. The tension on their faces indicated they were ready to tear each other apart. I could understand Cody being there, but why would the brothers want to engage in conflict with each other? The tension in the air crackled as the three figures—Asher, Amon, and Cody—stood in the center of the brewing storm. Confusion etched my face as I tried to comprehend why the brothers, bound by blood, seemed poised for confrontation. “Julie, what’s happening? Why are they fighting?” I questioned, my eyes fixated on the escalating drama unfolding before me. “It’s complicated,” Julie replied with a heavy sigh. “Those three have a long history, and it seems like it’s boiling over today.” As the crowd hushed in anticipation, the exchange between the brothers intensified. Asher’s jaw clenched, Amon’s gaze hardened, and Cody exuded an air of defiance. The reasons behind their discord remained a mystery, but the tension was palpable. "I'll never allow you to take over this school," Cody declared, annoyance laced in his tone. "We can't have three Alphas in a school," he added, a hint of growl underlying his words. "You're right about that, Cody. There can only be one, and that will be me," Asher retorted, annoyance mirroring in his voice. A tumultuous turn of events had unfolded within just one day. "We all know how we'll settle this once and for all," Amon stated, transforming into his primal form, swiftly followed by the others. The crowd erupted into cheers, further perplexing me about what the heck was happening. "Stop!" I yelled out, prompting an immediate hush to fall over the surroundings. All eyes focused on me, and the intense gazes of the three primal forms met mine. This wasn't a sight I desired to behold; why did I always seem to attract trouble?
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