Chapter 8

1092 Words

MIRANA Brazil 2:30 pm I gazed out at the throngs of people who were hustling and bustling to get ready for the Carnival despite the oppressive heat of the afternoon. Some folks are busy doing their dance, designing, and getting ready for the lights while others are busy doing other things. While I watch Marco purchase a memento for all of us, I'm going to sit here on this bench and drink some pineapple juice. "Marco!" I yelled, which resulted in others looking in my direction. I tried to apologize to them by looking at them and smiling, but all they did was grin back at me. I turned around once again to look in Marco's direction, but he was nowhere to be found. "Looking for me?" I sputtered as someone took a breath next to my neck. When I stared at him, I threw a punch that landed on

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