15. Bowling

1496 Words

***Aurora's POV***      "What's going on here?"      We both turn to see a concerned Rosalie watching us from the doorway. She makes her way towards me and collects me in her arms. I don't respond, but I let her hold me.       Reyna what am I?     It's not time yet, Aurora. Soon, she whispers.      "Hello, earth to Aurora?" Evan says. "Are you ok?"     I sigh and nod my head.     "What happened?" Rosalie asks.     "Erin was stirring up trouble as usual," Evan sighs.     "Ugh, f*****g b***h," she groans. "I think I know what can cheer you up!" she says, her face lighting up like a firework.     I give her a shy smile. "W-what?" I say timidly.     "Let's go into the city! We can go to the movies, or go shopping. Oh, I know! We can go bowling. I love bowling!" she says with enthusi

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