31. A Girl's Day

3556 Words

***Aurora POV's*** As I open my mouth to call for help, Laura pushes me inside the room, covering my mouth with her hand. "Don't scream, I'm not here to hurt you," she says in hushed tones. Removing her hand from my mouth, she goes back to close the door. I run behind the desk, grabbing my phone and dialing Oliver. "No please don't call Oliver! I'm really not here to hurt you!" she pleads taking a few steps towards me. I use the chair as a shield to keep our distance. "W-What do you w-want?" I stammer, failing to sound confident. "I came here to apologize for what I did to you yesterday," she replies, hanging her head. "I'm really sorry for breaking you fingers and slapping you. I didn't- I was just angry that I lost my family because of the alliance." I keep my distance, afraid t

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