18. Hurt

1904 Words

***Aurora's POV***     Oliver shifts and his beautiful blue eyes are filled with hurt. I want to comfort him, but Evan's groans remind me of what just occurred. Oliver attacked Evan, one of his closest friends and my guardian, and I have no idea why.     I turn to help Evan but Oliver grabs my wrist and pulls me back.     "No," he commands, but his alpha voice doesn’t work on me.     Frightened, I yank my wrist from his grip and take a step toward Evan. I feel Oliver's strong arms lift me up and throw me over his shoulder.     "I said no," he growls.     "Oliver, let me go!" I shout. I start pounding on his back and thrashing my legs violently. "Let me go!"     Oliver tightens his grip and panic mode kicks in. I scream bloody murder as I continue to struggle out of his grip.      "

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