58. First Impressions I

2352 Words

***Aurora's POV*** I've never been on a plane, so needless to say, I was glued the window the entire trip. Oliver laughed as I pointed and stared at the tiny snow covered world below us. When we landed, Oliver could hardly keep up with me as I ran to Celina's gate. For the next 15 mins, I watch countless planes land on the strip and try to predict which one was hers. I grow anxious when the clock reads 3:20 and her plane has still not arrived. "What if something happened? What if she didn't get on the plane or maybe-" "Aurora calm down. Flights are late all the time. Besides, it was Thanksgiving weekend and it snowed. The airport is extremely busy since everyone is traveling for the holidays. I'm sure Celina is just fine," he says, pulling me into a hug. Suddenly, I feel Reyna's gro

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